From owner-freebsd-hackers Sat Mar 18 21:05:11 1995 Return-Path: hackers-owner Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) id VAA00204 for hackers-outgoing; Sat, 18 Mar 1995 21:05:11 -0800 Received: from ( []) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) with SMTP id VAA00197 for ; Sat, 18 Mar 1995 21:05:05 -0800 Received: by id AA06576 (5.67b/IDA-1.5 for; Sun, 19 Mar 1995 10:46:28 +0800 Date: Sun, 19 Mar 1995 10:46:28 +0800 (HKT) From: John Beukema To: Subject: Comparison of un*x's Message-Id: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: Precedence: bulk A group which I have organized is setting up an Internet service provider in Hong Kong aiming at 2,000 subscribers. The consensus is 2 Pentium 90's with SCCI II disks. We must decide on the OS soon. I am naturally pushing for FreeBSD, especially since todays pledge that 2.1R will be more stable than 1.1.5R when it is released. However, largely because of the name (It can't be any good if it is free.) I am in the minority and have a hard sell. I need an *objective* evaluation with pros and cons of the following OS's for use in this application: Solaris (Seemingly the first choice of several members) FreeBSD SunOS (Does it even run on i386?) BSDI SCO NetBSD Any other suggestions. (Linux has been eliminated due to too frequent patches.) I am interested in stability, support, ease of administration and configuration and performance. Multi-processor support is an advantage. Any concrete examples of commercial service providers would be appreciated. I have promised to make the results of this enquiry, cross posted on several lists, available to my group. Any flaming will be counter productive. The audience is former mini users and civil engineers. It is likely I cannot prevail on FreeBSD at this time. What would the *second choice* be, particularily in terms of compatibility with FreeBSD? I could then use FreeBSD on one machine on the network and compare. I appreciate the assistance. jbeukema