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From: (Hellmuth Michaelis)
Subject: Re: monitoring calls
In-Reply-To: <199808310920.LAA04145@gilberto.physik.RWTH-Aachen.DE> from Christoph Kukulies at "Aug 31, 98 11:20:57 am"
To: kuku@gilberto.physik.RWTH-Aachen.DE (Christoph Kukulies)
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 18:59:54 +0200 (CEST)
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Christoph Kukulies wrote:

> bisdn had the 'feature' to log also incoming connections on the S0
> bus that were not destined to the host running bisdn, i.e. I could see from
> the log file or the logging ttyvx that another source has dialed in
> thus finding the cause when two channels were already busy.

This should work the same way with i4b.

> How can I configure (without large logging overhead) find out in isdn4bsd 
> what numbers were dialing in on the bus?

It should appear in the logfile, doesn't it ?

> And better yet, to throw up an ever lasting question: Where is the
> entry point to build some channel monitoring,

The entry point is the monitor facility Martin started. In fact, one can do
almost everything one wants, someone has just to write the code.

Monitoring will be enhanced a bit in the next release but it is still not
top priority on my list of things.

Hellmuth Michaelis                         Hamburg, Europe
  A duck is like a bicycle because they both have two wheels except the duck

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