From owner-freebsd-hackers Fri Nov 22 21:19:19 1996 Return-Path: owner-hackers Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) id VAA09957 for hackers-outgoing; Fri, 22 Nov 1996 21:19:19 -0800 (PST) Received: from ( []) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) with ESMTP id VAA09951 for ; Fri, 22 Nov 1996 21:19:11 -0800 (PST) Received: from (localhost []) by (8.8.2/8.6.9) with ESMTP id VAA24710; Fri, 22 Nov 1996 21:19:16 -0800 (PST) To: David Kelly cc: Subject: Re: ATAPI (was: Who needs Perl? We do!) In-reply-to: Your message of "Fri, 22 Nov 1996 22:25:49 CST." Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 21:19:16 -0800 Message-ID: <> From: "Jordan K. Hubbard" Sender: X-Loop: Precedence: bulk > Input like this? (the data part of this ATAPI drive works, the audio > stuff isn't fully functional). Uh, no. This actually fails on several counts: 1. It does not state the exact make and model, as I asked. We need succinct information at the moment more than we need elaborate script output from which such information must be intuited. 2. It contains information which would really be more relevant to an entirely different class of bug report, e.g. audio support. To be honest, for this round I'm not really interested in audio support at all so much as I am data support. If it is able to load a FreeBSD release then it's working more than reasonably enough for our purposes. I'm not saying that audio support is not important, simply that it is not relevant at this time. Thanks! Jordan