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Subject: Re: cvs commit: src/sys/netinet fil.c ip_auth.c ip_auth.h
 ip_compat.h         ip_fil.c ip_fil.h ip_frag.c ip_frag.h ip_ftp_pxy.c
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Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 06:58:57 -0700
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From: Darren Reed <>
Subject: Re: cvs commit: src/sys/netinet fil.c ip_auth.c ip_auth.h ip_compat.h         ip_fil.c ip_fil.h ip_frag.c ip_frag.h ip_ftp_pxy.c
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 23:28:48 +1000 (EST)

> Upgrading IPFilter without upgrading FreeBSD.  Users seem inclined to
> do this inbetween when I update the source tree (usually because I'm

Those aren't users, those are developers.  The kind of users we tend
to deal with wouldn't know how to selectively update part of FreeBSD
(much less build it from source) if you held a gun to their heads.

More to the point, the project actively discourages this kind of
"upgrading" because for any particular bit of software, be it IPFilter
or sendmail, we can't say anything authoritative about how well it's
going to integrate in the face of other changes and that's exactly why
one shouldn't upgrade piecemeal.

Developers who know all of this but have the cojones to do it anyway
because they know exactly what all of the inter-relationships are
won't be thrown in the slightest by this change.  They're already used
to things moving around in the tree and compared to the amount of
knowledge necessary for ensuring that taking one of your slip-stream
upgrades won't be a big mistake, this is a truly minor thing to need
to know about.

I see another mole hill forming itself into a mountain here, and I'd
think that you of all people would be shying well clear of
hyper-augmented rodent mounds these days. :)

- Jordan

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