From owner-freebsd-emulation  Wed Feb 24 13:26:37 1999
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Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 19:25:17 +0100
From: Dermot McNally <>
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To: emulation@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: IBM ADSM Clients (Linux and SCO)
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Apologies for such a long mail. Anyone who doesn't feel like reading the
whole thing, please skip down to my suggestions relating to a change in
the output of uname(3).


I've been trying for ages to get an ADSM backup client (_any_ client)
working on FreeBSD, and now I have some progress, and some unanswered
questions. Perhaps someone can elighten me.

There are essentially three ADSM clients which, at first glance, look
like they might run on FreeBSD. Two different versions (2 and 3) for SCO
and a version 3 client for Linux. My first attempt was with the Linux
client. At first, things looked good, but attempting a backup caused the
ADSM server to crash (!). This turns out to be a buffer overflow (see

Anyway, after this, I turned to the SCO version 3. It was initially
non-obvious how the software was packaged, but once I got it extracted,
the binaries proved to be ELF, which, of course, are not yet supported
for SCO. Nothing more to try here.

The SCO version 2 client is also (though differently) oddly packaged,
and has old-style binaries, which are supported by the emulation, but
which seg-faulted pretty much immediately once I ran the client. Only
today, after making _some_ progress with the Linux client in the last
week, did I get this client to work in close to a normal manner (with
the aid of a customised-for-FreeBSD version of a Linux howto, which I'll
be happy to pass onto anyone who wants it). The keys to making this work

* Dropping a load of symlinks to null inside /dev under names that SCO
wants to see there.

* Creating a (presumably) SCO-format /etc/mnttab file from the contents
of /etc/fstab (the howto included a perl script to do this).

the mnttab file seemed to be the key to making the client believe that
filesystems of a particular name existed (essential, if you expect the
thing to back them up).

So the V2 client now works, backing up to a V3 ADSM server on an
RS/6000. I'm rather pleased, considering. There are a few niggles,

* Although the backups work, and the server manager tools can see the
results, none of the usual log entries (that report on success/failure,
data transfer rate etc.) are made. Maybe this is a V2 -> V3 problem.

* For each backed up FS, ADSM records the FS type (FAT, AIX JFS, NTFS,
whatever). Backups from the SCO system contain garbage in this field
(though I think it's always the same garbage). The FS type field from
/etc/fstab is not copied into mnttab, which may be the cause. Does
anyone know whether SCO's mnttab file format makes provision for this?

* The V2 client's X interface really sucks compared to the one in V3.

So, back to the Linux client - based on the progress I had already made
before getting the SCO client to work, I had hoped it would be possible
to get the same level of performance out of the Linux client, coupled
with proper logging, a nicer UI and (maybe even) proper population of
the FS type field.

Here's what I had to do to make the Linux client work to at least some

Stopping the client from killing the server:

An ADSM mailing list suggested this was related to a buffer overflow,
and that it also happened with _some_ Linux kernels. What's happening is
that either the version or release strings (or both) as reported by
uname(3) are overflowing a buffer on the server, with fatal
consequences, if longer than (I think) 7 characters. A Linux-compiled
program to dump the output of uname(3) confirmed that both these fields
were longer than 7 characters. It also demonstrated that most of the
fields contained data extremely unlikely to come from any Linux kernel
(the FreeBSD name, version numbers corresponding to FreeBSD kernel, not
to some notional Linux one...). My solution to the immediate problem was
to step on the version and release fields, and rebuild the linux module,
but it struck me that perhaps there's a case for making the emulated
uname(3) report either:

* A fixed Linux-like set of data or

* Whatever data the user has chosen in a .conf file somewhere

I like the second idea, because, while the ADSM failure is the result of
careless programming, stepping on the output of uname(3) is a nice way
to fix the problem, and there is surely other software out there that
uses these strings to infer whether they should try to run or not. Is
this a bad idea? What would a reasonable set of default values look

Anyway, after this Linux module hack, I can connect to the ADSM server
without crashing it. I just can't specify any FSs to back up - the
client rejects /usr (or any other valid FS) as an invalid "domain", even
though it works for the SCO client. My best theory so far is that the
Linux emulation also wants to see a Linuxish list of defined File
systems. While I have no Linux box, the documentation I can find
suggests that Linux uses the same format fstab as FreeBSD. However,
copying fstab to /compat/linux/etc doesn't help here.

This is as far as I've managed to get. I'd be grateful for any tips that
other ADSM users can think of, and I'd also be happy to write the code
for a configurable uname(3) output if people agree it's a good idea in
the first place. I'm trying to fend off suggestions from colleauges that
installing real Linux would be the simplest solution...

Thanks for any thoughts,

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