From owner-freebsd-hackers Sat Jun 17 10:52:59 1995 Return-Path: hackers-owner Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) id KAA01154 for hackers-outgoing; Sat, 17 Jun 1995 10:52:59 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) with ESMTP id KAA01148 for ; Sat, 17 Jun 1995 10:52:58 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (8.6.11/8.6.9) with SMTP id KAA03533; Sat, 17 Jun 1995 10:39:53 -0700 Message-Id: <> X-Authentication-Warning: Host didn't use HELO protocol X-Mailer: exmh version 1.6delta 4/7/95 To: "Alok K. Dhir" cc: Subject: Re: printer recommendation? In-reply-to: Your message of "Sat, 17 Jun 1995 12:10:15 EDT." Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Date: Sat, 17 Jun 1995 10:39:50 -0700 From: Amancio Hasty Sender: Precedence: bulk >>> "Alok K. Dhir" said: > > I have a Lexmark Optra-R - its faster than the HP (12ppm), higher rez > than the HP (true 1200 dpi), and prettier than the HP. It also has a > much nicer control panel, an excellent warranty, and prints absolutely > beutifully. It is also very expandable. Highly recommended. > > BTW - I got it for $1440.00 - less than a HP4+. > Now you got my attention, I got seven days to return my HP 5MP. Can you print 12 ppm using a2ps (text to postcript)? I printed a couple of bit map images from Bettina's PhotoCD and it took a while to print so do you know if you have a speedy processor for postscript? Tnks, Amancio