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Date:      Thu, 30 Aug 2001 20:22:05 -0700
From:      Dave Tweten <>
To:        freebsd-stable@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: FreeBSD and Athlon Processors 
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: Message from "Paul A. Howes" <>  of "Thu, 30 Aug 2001 20:35:05 EDT." <> 

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>In the past, I had heard that Linux and FreeBSD didn't work well on
>the Athlon processors.  Have all of the issues since been resolved?
>Now that Tyan has the TigerMP motherboard out for around $200, and the
>1.2 GHz Athlon MP chips are around $160, building a multiprocessor
>system is looking like a better and better idea.

The "multiprocessor" part of this question seems to me to be getting missed in 
all the "Problem, what problem?" replies.

Several moons ago, it was widely publicised that AMD's multiprocessing glue 
chips would have to use some technology other than what Intel used (patents, 
don't you know).  At about that time, someone on this list said FreeBSD would 
only work with Intel multiprocessor systems for the time being.  Tyan's 
motherboard uses AMD multiprocessing glue chips.

So please don't respond to my message by telling me how well your single 
processor Athlon works.  Who has a functioning dual processor Athlon running 
FreeBSD?  Anybody?
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