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Date:      Wed, 9 Nov 2005 19:20:23 GMT
From:      Stephen Hurd <>
Subject:   Re: ports/88694: emulators/rtc: rtc kld module panic FreeBSD  6.0 kernel
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The following reply was made to PR ports/88694; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Stephen Hurd <>
To: Laurent LEVIER <>
Subject: Re: ports/88694: emulators/rtc: rtc kld module panic FreeBSD  6.0
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2005 13:14:00 -0600

 Laurent LEVIER wrote:
 >> Boot into single user mode, mount all the filesystems, delete the rtc 
 >> port, then rebuild it from source.
 > I did this to save my neck, but I would like to have the rtc port work.
 > Maybe you should contact the maintener so he updates his apparently 
 > old port?
 Kernel modules MUST be updated when the kernel is.  It's not a port 
 out-of-date thing, it's a module out of sync with kernel thing.  You'll 
 see this behavior with any kernel modules from the ports tree (the 
 nvidia drivers are another common one).  The rtc kernel module is only 
 good for the kernel that was installed when it was built.
 I'm using that port also, it's working fine now that I rebuilt it under 
 6.0.  the only thing I could suggest is that UPDATING or possibly the 
 upgrade section of the handbook include a list of ports which will cause 
 problems and should be rebuilt before going multi-user.
 Once again, the problem is caused by loading a kernel module for 4.x or 
 5.x into the 6.0 kernel.  Rebuilding the module for the 6.0 kernel fixes 
 the problem.

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