Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2000 06:18:34 -0400 (EDT) From: Brian Fundakowski Feldman <> To: Luigi Rizzo <> Cc: "Jacob A. Hart" <>, Doug Barton <>, Sheldon Hearn <>, FreeBSD-CURRENT <freebsd-current@FreeBSD.ORG> Subject: Re: Scheduler changes? Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <>
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This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. --0-1183712459-963137914=:33233 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII On Sun, 11 Jun 2000, Luigi Rizzo wrote: > Hi, > i understand that this means maybe a somwthat > large change in the system, but what do you think > if we have a lok at implementing the CPU scheduler using > weights instead of strict priorities ? > Do we have parts of the kernel which rely on priority > to implement locking etc ? > > This would not be too different from what the EclipseBSD people > did, and the code i recently committed to dummynet can be easily > reused to this purpose, and it is efficient. > > With a little bit of guidance (I am not too familiar with that area > of the code) i think we can do something good with little > effort. I've been thinking about this a lot. As for the current scheduler, a NICE_WEIGHT of 1.8 seems to work nicely; see the attached patch. I have been looking more into making things more like Eclipse. I have to say I'm very impressed with their work in implementing QoS, and we would do well to update some of our ancient designs to a model that resembles theirs. I'm looking at their process and disk scheduler now, after reading their network scheduling paper from the Usenix proceedings. I'm very interested in finding a better algorithm than the current one, yes :) > cheers > luigi -- Brian Fundakowski Feldman \ FreeBSD: The Power to Serve! / `------------------------------' --0-1183712459-963137914=:33233 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="sched.NICE_WEIGHT.patch" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: <> Content-Description: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="sched.NICE_WEIGHT.patch" SW5kZXg6IHN5cy9rZXJuL2tlcm5fc3luY2guYw0KPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PQ0KUkNTIGZpbGU6IC91c3IyL25jdnMvc3JjL3N5cy9rZXJuL2tl cm5fc3luY2guYyx2DQpyZXRyaWV2aW5nIHJldmlzaW9uIDEuOTUNCmRpZmYg LXUgLXIxLjk1IGtlcm5fc3luY2guYw0KLS0tIHN5cy9rZXJuL2tlcm5fc3lu Y2guYwkyMDAwLzA3LzA0IDExOjI1OjIzCTEuOTUNCisrKyBzeXMva2Vybi9r ZXJuX3N5bmNoLmMJMjAwMC8wNy8wOCAwMDoyMDoyMw0KQEAgLTkxNiw3ICs5 MTYsNyBAQA0KIA0KIAlpZiAocC0+cF9ydHByaW8udHlwZSA9PSBSVFBfUFJJ T19OT1JNQUwpIHsNCiAJCW5ld3ByaW9yaXR5ID0gUFVTRVIgKyBwLT5wX2Vz dGNwdSAvIElOVkVSU0VfRVNUQ1BVX1dFSUdIVCArDQotCQkgICAgTklDRV9X RUlHSFQgKiAocC0+cF9uaWNlIC0gUFJJT19NSU4pOw0KKwkJICAgIChwLT5w X25pY2UgLSBQUklPX01JTikgKiBOSUNFX1dFSUdIVDsNCiAJCW5ld3ByaW9y aXR5ID0gbWluKG5ld3ByaW9yaXR5LCBNQVhQUkkpOw0KIAkJcC0+cF91c3Jw cmkgPSBuZXdwcmlvcml0eTsNCiAJfQ0KSW5kZXg6IHN5cy9zeXMvcHJvYy5o DQo9PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09DQpSQ1MgZmlsZTogL3VzcjIvbmN2 cy9zcmMvc3lzL3N5cy9wcm9jLmgsdg0KcmV0cmlldmluZyByZXZpc2lvbiAx LjEwNg0KZGlmZiAtdSAtcjEuMTA2IHByb2MuaA0KLS0tIHN5cy9zeXMvcHJv Yy5oCTIwMDAvMDYvMjIgMjI6Mjc6MTYJMS4xMDYNCisrKyBzeXMvc3lzL3By b2MuaAkyMDAwLzA3LzA4IDAwOjIxOjE0DQpAQCAtNDA1LDEwICs0MDUsMTAg QEANCiAgKiB0aGUgcmFuZ2UgMTAwLTI1NiBIeiAoYXBwcm94aW1hdGVseSku DQogICovDQogI2RlZmluZQlJTlZFUlNFX0VTVENQVV9XRUlHSFQJOAkvKiAx IC8gKHByaW9yaXRpZXMgcGVyIGVzdGNwdSBsZXZlbCkgKi8NCi0jZGVmaW5l CU5JQ0VfV0VJR0hUCTEJCS8qIHByaW9yaXRpZXMgcGVyIG5pY2UgbGV2ZWwg Ki8NCisjZGVmaW5lCU5JQ0VfV0VJR0hUCTkgLyA1CQkvKiBwcmlvcml0aWVz IHBlciBuaWNlIGxldmVsICovDQogI2RlZmluZQlQUFEJCSgxMjggLyBOUVMp CS8qIHByaW9yaXRpZXMgcGVyIHF1ZXVlICovDQogI2RlZmluZQlFU1RDUFVM SU0oZSkgXA0KLSAgICBtaW4oKGUpLCBJTlZFUlNFX0VTVENQVV9XRUlHSFQg KiAoTklDRV9XRUlHSFQgKiBQUklPX1RPVEFMIC0gUFBRKSArIFwNCisgICAg bWluKChlKSwgSU5WRVJTRV9FU1RDUFVfV0VJR0hUICogKFBSSU9fVE9UQUwg KiBOSUNFX1dFSUdIVCAtIFBQUSkgKyBcDQogCUlOVkVSU0VfRVNUQ1BVX1dF SUdIVCAtIDEpDQogDQogZXh0ZXJuCXVfbG9uZyBwc19hcmdfY2FjaGVfbGlt aXQ7DQo= --0-1183712459-963137914=:33233-- To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
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