From owner-freebsd-current  Sat Sep  4  7:43:39 1999
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	Sun, 5 Sep 1999 00:43:44 +1000 (EST)
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From: Andrew Kenneth Milton <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: Fixed sound card problem.
In-Reply-To: <> from Doug Rabson at "Sep 4, 1999  3:23: 6 pm"
To: (Doug Rabson)
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 00:43:44 +1000 (EST)
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+----[ Doug Rabson ]---------------------------------------------
| On Sat, 4 Sep 1999, Andrew Kenneth Milton wrote:
| > +----[ Arthur H. Johnson II ]------------------------------------------=
| > | I fixed the sound card problem I was having.  I just commented out th=
e pnp
| > | driver.  I know I will run into problems later if I ever get pnp devi=
| > | but its a temporary fix.
| >=20
| > Pcm doesn't work for me anymore with or without a pnp controller define=
| > It's not even probed.
| >=20
| > I've got a genuine Sound Blaster 16 with on board SCSI (unused).
| Can I see your kernel config and dmesg lines both from an old (working)
| kernel and from the new kernel.

I would have attached the dmesg originally but it didn't even show the pcm
probe at all... and there was nothing strange in it (I did look for errors).

My current kernel has got voxware in unfortunately... and I'm currently
building world (again) d8/ I can rebuild a kernel afterwards with pcm=20
compiled in and send that, but, that won't be for a few hours yet...
It's 1:30 am here right now and my kids will be waking me up
for fathers day nice and early so I can't pull a dawner tonight.

Here's my kernel config and dmesg from a working kernel.

The changes I've made other than to comment out the pnp controller,
is to add the

options 	CPU_FASTER_5X86_FPU

I'm going to remove that next kernel build as well to see if that makes
a difference.

I'll forward you a non-working dmesg tomorrow my time I guess unless
something comes to light before then.

-[pcm working]-----------------------------------------------------------
FreeBSD 4.0-CURRENT #39: Fri Aug 13 18:41:33 GMT 1999
Timecounter "i8254"  frequency 1193182 Hz
Timecounter "TSC"  frequency 199681339 Hz
CPU: Pentium/P55C (199.68-MHz 586-class CPU)
  Origin =3D "GenuineIntel"  Id =3D 0x543  Stepping =3D 3
real memory  =3D 67108864 (65536K bytes)
avail memory =3D 61059072 (59628K bytes)
Preloaded elf kernel "kernel" at 0xc03b4000.
Preloaded splash_image_data "/newlogo.bmp" at 0xc03b409c.
Preloaded elf module "vesa.ko" at 0xc03b40e8.
Preloaded elf module "splash_bmp.ko" at 0xc03b4184.
Intel Pentium detected, installing workaround for F00F bug
VESA: v2.0, 4096k memory, flags:0x0, mode table:0xc00c0d16 (c0000d16)
VESA: S3 Incorporated. ViRGE /DX /GX
Probing for PnP devices:
npx0: <math processor> on motherboard
npx0: INT 16 interface
pcib0: <Host to PCI bridge> on motherboard
pci0: <PCI bus> on pcib0
isab0: <Intel 82371AB PCI to ISA bridge> at device 7.0 on pci0
ide_pci0: <Intel PIIX4 Bus-master IDE controller> at device 7.1 on pci0
uhci0: <Intel 82371AB/EB (PIIX4) USB controller> irq 0 at device 7.2 on pci0
uhci0: could not map ports
device_probe_and_attach: uhci0 attach returned 6
chip1: <Intel 82371AB Power management controller> at device 7.3 on pci0
vga-pci0: <S3 ViRGE DX/GX graphics accelerator> irq 11 at device 10.0 on pc=
ahc0: <Adaptec 2940 Ultra SCSI adapter> irq 10 at device 11.0 on pci0
ahc0: aic7880 Wide Channel A, SCSI Id=3D7, 16/255 SCBs
isa0: <ISA bus> on motherboard
ed0 at port 0x300-0x31f irq 12 on isa0
ed0: address 00:00:01:19:99:84, type NE2000 (16 bit)=20
atkbdc0: <keyboard controller (i8042)> at port 0x60-0x6f on isa0
atkbd0: <AT Keyboard> irq 1 on atkbdc0
vga0: <Generic ISA VGA> at port 0x3b0-0x3df iomem 0xa0000-0xbffff on isa0
sc0: <System console> on isa0
sc0: VGA <4 virtual consoles, flags=3D0x200>
wdc0 at port 0x1f0-0x1f7 irq 14 on isa0
wdc0: unit 0 (atapi): <ASUS CD-S400/V1.10>, removable, accel, dma, iordy
wcd0: drive speed 0 - 6875KB/sec, 128KB cache
wcd0: supported read types: CD-R, CD-RW, CD-DA, packet track
wcd0: Audio: play, 255 volume levels
wcd0: Mechanism: ejectable tray
wcd0: Medium: no/blank disc inside, unlocked
fdc0: <NEC 765 or clone> at port 0x3f0-0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2 on isa0
fd0: <1440-KB 3.5" drive> on fdc0 drive 0
sio0 at port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on isa0
sio0: type 16550A
sio1 at port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on isa0
sio1: type 16550A
pcm0 at port 0x220 irq 5 drq 1 flags 0x15 on isa0
pca0 at port 0x40 on isa0
pca0: PC speaker audio driver
joy0 at port 0x201 on isa0
joy0: joystick
ppc0 at port 0x378-0x37f irq 7 on isa0
ppc0: Generic chipset (EPP/NIBBLE) in COMPATIBLE mode
plip0: <PLIP network interface> on ppbus 0
lpt0: <generic printer> on ppbus 0
lpt0: Interrupt-driven port
ppi0: <generic parallel i/o> on ppbus 0
lppps0: <Pulse per second Timing Interface> on ppbus 0
IP packet filtering initialized, divert enabled, rule-based forwarding enab=
default to accept, logging limited to 100 packets/entry by default
ds0 XXX: driver didn't set ifq_maxlen
Waiting 2 seconds for SCSI devices to settle
sa0 at ahc0 bus 0 target 2 lun 0
sa0: <SONY SDT-5000 3.30> Removable Sequential Access SCSI-2 device=20
sa0: 5.000MB/s transfers (5.000MHz, offset 8)
changing root device to da0s1a
da1 at ahc0 bus 0 target 3 lun 0
da1: <IBM DORS-32160W   !# WA1A> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-2 device=20
da1: 40.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 8, 16bit), Tagged Queueing Ena=
da1: 2063MB (4226725 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 263C)
da2 at ahc0 bus 0 target 4 lun 0
da2: <IBM DORS-32160W   !# WA1A> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-2 device=20
da2: 40.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 8, 16bit), Tagged Queueing Ena=
da2: 2063MB (4226725 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 263C)
da0 at ahc0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0: <IBM DORS-32160W   !# WA1A> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-2 device=20
da0: 40.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 8, 16bit), Tagged Queueing Ena=
da0: 2063MB (4226725 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 263C)
cd0 at ahc0 bus 0 target 1 lun 0
cd0: <HP C4324/C4325 1.27> Removable CD-ROM SCSI-2 device=20
cd0: 3.300MB/s transfers
cd0: Attempt to query device size failed: NOT READY,=20

# LINT -- config file for checking all the sources, tries to pull in
#	as much of the source tree as it can.
#	$Id: LINT,v 1998/07/20 20:11:05 msmith Exp $
# NB: You probably don't want to try running a kernel built from this
# file.  Instead, you should start from GENERIC, and add options from
# this file as required.

# This directive is mandatory; it defines the architecture to be
# configured for; in this case, the 386 family based IBM-PC and
# compatibles.
machine		"i386"

# This is the ``identification'' of the kernel.  Usually this should
# be the same as the name of your kernel.
ident		work_on

# The `maxusers' parameter controls the static sizing of a number of
# internal system tables by a complicated formula defined in param.c.
maxusers	128

# Under some circumstances it is convenient to increase the defaults
# for the maximum number of processes per user and the maximum number
# of open files files per user.  E.g., (1) in a large news server, user
# `news' may need more than 100 concurrent processes.  (2) a user may
# need lots of windows under X.  In both cases, it may be inconvenient
# to start all the processes from a parent whose soft rlimit on the
# number of processes is large enough.  The following options work by
# changing the soft rlimits for init.
#options		CHILD_MAX=3D128
#options		OPEN_MAX=3D128

# Certain applications can grow to be larger than the 128M limit
# that FreeBSD initially imposes.  Below are some options to
# allow that limit to grow to 256MB, and can be increased further
# with changing the parameters.  MAXDSIZ is the maximum that the
# limit can be set to, and the DFLDSIZ is the default value for
# the limit.  You might want to set the default lower than the
# max, and explicitly set the maximum with a shell command for processes
# that regularly exceed the limit like INND.
#options		"MAXDSIZ=3D(256*1024*1024)"
#options		"DFLDSIZ=3D(256*1024*1024)"

# This allows you to actually store this configuration file into
# the kernel binary itself, where it may be later read by saying:
#    strings /kernel | grep ^___ | sed -e 's/^___//' > MYKERNEL

# Options for the VM subsystem
#options	PQ_NOOPT		# No coloring
options		PQ_LARGECACHE		# color for 512k/16k cache
#options	PQ_HUGECACHE		# color for 1024k/16k cache

options         INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE     # Include this file in kernel

# This directive defines a number of things:
#  - The compiled kernel is to be called `kernel'
#  - The root filesystem might be on partition wd0a
#  - Crash dumps will be written to wd0b, if possible.  Specifying the
#    dump device here is not recommended.  Use dumpon(8).
#config		kernel	root on da0=20


# You must specify at least one CPU (the one you intend to run on);
# deleting the specification for CPUs you don't need to use may make
# parts of the system run faster.  This is especially true removing
# I386_CPU.
#cpu		"I386_CPU"
#cpu		"I486_CPU"
cpu		"I586_CPU"		# aka Pentium(tm)
cpu		"I686_CPU"		# aka Pentium Pro(tm)

options 	CPU_FASTER_5X86_FPU

# COMPATIBILITY OPTIONS                                            =20

# Implement system calls compatible with 4.3BSD and older versions of
# FreeBSD.  You probably do NOT want to remove this as much current code
# still relies on the 4.3 emulation.
options		"COMPAT_43"

# Allow user-mode programs to manipulate their local descriptor tables.
# This option is required for the WINE Windows(tm) emulator, and is
# not used by anything else (that we know of).
options		USER_LDT		#allow user-level control of i386 ldt

# These three options provide support for System V Interface
# Definition-style interprocess communication, in the form of shared
# memory, semaphores, and message queues, respectively.
options		SYSVSHM
options		SYSVSEM
options		SYSVMSG

# This option includes a MD5 routine in the kernel, this is used for
# various authentication and privacy uses.
options		"MD5"


# XXX - this doesn't belong here.
# Allow ordinary users to take the console - this is useful for X.
options		UCONSOLE

# XXX - this doesn't belong here either
options		USERCONFIG		#boot -c editor
#options		USERCONFIG_BOOT		#imply -c and parse info area
options		VISUAL_USERCONFIG	#visual boot -c editor

# Protocol families:
#  Only the INET (Internet) family is officially supported in FreeBSD.
#  Source code for the NS (Xerox Network Service) is provided for amusement
#  value.
options		INET			#Internet communications protocols

#options		IPX			#IPX/SPX communications protocols
#options		IPXIP			#IPX in IP encapsulation (not available)
#options		IPTUNNEL		#IP in IPX encapsulation (not available)

#options		NETATALK		#Appletalk communications protocols

# Network interfaces:
#  The `loop' pseudo-device is MANDATORY when networking is enabled.
#  The `ether' pseudo-device provides generic code to handle
#  Ethernets; it is MANDATORY when a Ethernet device driver is
#  configured.
#  The 'fddi' pseudo-device provides generic code to support FDDI.
#  The `sppp' pseudo-device serves a similar role for certain types
#  of synchronous PPP links (like `cx', `ar').
#  The `sl' pseudo-device implements the Serial Line IP (SLIP) service.
#  The `ppp' pseudo-device implements the Point-to-Point Protocol.
#  The `bpfilter' pseudo-device enables the Berkeley Packet Filter.  Be
#  aware of the legal and administrative consequences of enabling this
#  option.  The number of devices determines the maximum number of
#  simultaneous BPF clients programs runnable.
#  The `disc' pseudo-device implements a minimal network interface,
#  which throws away all packets sent and never receives any.  It is
#  included for testing purposes.
#  The `tun' pseudo-device implements the User Process PPP (iijppp)
# The PPP_BSDCOMP option enables support for compress(1) style entire
# packet compression, the PPP_DEFLATE is for zlib/gzip style compression.
# PPP_FILTER enables code for filtering the ppp data stream and selecting
# events for resetting the demand dial activity timer - requires bpfilter.
# See pppd(8) for more details.
pseudo-device	ether			#Generic Ethernet
#pseudo-device	fddi			#Generic FDDI
pseudo-device	sppp			#Generic Synchronous PPP
pseudo-device	loop			#Network loopback device
pseudo-device	sl	2		#Serial Line IP
pseudo-device	ppp	2		#Point-to-point protocol
pseudo-device	bpf	4		#Berkeley packet filter
pseudo-device	disc			#Discard device
pseudo-device	tun	2		#Tunnel driver(user process ppp)
pseudo-device	streams
options PPP_BSDCOMP 			#PPP BSD-compress support
options PPP_DEFLATE 			#PPP zlib/deflate/gzip support
options PPP_FILTER 			#enable bpf filtering (needs bpfilter)

# Internet family options:
# TCP_COMPAT_42 causes the TCP code to emulate certain bugs present in
# 4.2BSD.  This option should not be used unless you have a 4.2BSD
# machine and TCP connections fail.
# MROUTING enables the kernel multicast packet forwarder, which works
# with mrouted(8).
# IPFIREWALL enables support for IP firewall construction, in
# conjunction with the `ipfw' program.  IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE sends
# logged packets to the system logger.  IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT
# limits the number of times a matching entry can be logged.
# WARNING:  IPFIREWALL defaults to a policy of "deny ip from any to any"
# and if you do not add other rules during startup to allow access,
# YOU WILL LOCK YOURSELF OUT.  It is suggested that you set firewall=3Dopen
# in /etc/rc.conf when first enabling this feature, then refining the
# firewall rules in /etc/rc.firewall after you've tested that the new kernel
# feature works properly.
# IPFIREWALL_DEFAULT_TO_ACCEPT causes the default rule (at boot) to
# allow everything.  Use with care, if a cracker can crash your
# firewall machine, they can get to your protected machines.  However,
# if you are using it as an as-needed filter for specific problems as
# they arise, then this may be for you.  Changing the default to 'allow'
# means that you won't get stuck if the kernel and /sbin/ipfw binary get
# out of sync.
# IPDIVERT enables the divert IP sockets, used by ``ipfw divert''
# TCPDEBUG is undocumented.
#options		"TCP_COMPAT_42"		#emulate 4.2BSD TCP bugs
options		MROUTING		# Multicast routing
options         IPFIREWALL              #firewall
options         IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE      #print information about
					# dropped packets
options		IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT=3D100 #limit verbosity
options		IPFIREWALL_DEFAULT_TO_ACCEPT #allow everything by default
options         IPFIREWALL_FORWARD      #enable xparent proxy support
options		IPDIVERT		#divert sockets
options		IPSTEALTH		#support for stealth forwarding
#options		TCPDEBUG

options         ICMP_BANDLIM


# Only the root, /usr, and /tmp filesystems need be statically
# compiled; everything else will be automatically loaded at mount
# time.  (Exception: the UFS family---FFS, MFS, and LFS---cannot
# currently be demand-loaded.)  Some people still prefer to statically
# compile other filesystems as well.
# NB: The LFS, NULL, PORTAL, UMAP and UNION filesystems are known to be
# buggy, and WILL panic your system if you attempt to do anything with
# them.  They are included here as an incentive for some enterprising
# soul to sit down and fix them.
# Note: 4.4BSD NQNFS lease checking has relatively high cost for
# _local_ I/O as well as remote I/O. Don't use it unless you will
# using NQNFS.

# One of these is mandatory:
options		FFS			#Fast filesystem
options		NFS			#Network File System

# The rest are optional:
#options		NQNFS			#Enable NQNFS lease checking
# options	NFS_NOSERVER		#Disable the NFS-server code.
options		"CD9660"		#ISO 9660 filesystem
options		FDESC			#File descriptor filesystem
options		KERNFS			#Kernel filesystem
#options		LFS			#Log filesystem
#options		MFS			#Memory filesystem
options		MSDOSFS			#MS DOS filesystem
#options		NULLFS			#NULL filesystem
#options		PORTAL			#Portal filesystem
options		PROCFS			#Process filesystem
#options		CFS			#CODA filesystem.
#options		UMAPFS			#UID map filesystem
#options		UNION			#Union filesystem
# This DEVFS is experimental but seems to work
#options		DEVFS			#devices filesystem

# Allow the FFS to use Softupdates technology.
# To do this you need to copy the two files
# /sys/ufs/ffs/softdep.h and /sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_softdep.c
# from /usr/src/contrib/sys/softupdates
# and understand the licensing restrictions.
# You should also check on the FreeBSD website for newer versions.


# Make space in the kernel for a MFS root filesystem.  Define to the number
# of kilobytes to reserve for the filesystem.
#options		MFS_ROOT=3D10
# Allow the MFS_ROOT code to load the MFS image from floppy if it is missin=
#options		MFS_AUTOLOAD

# Allow this many swap-devices.
options		NSWAPDEV=3D20

# Disk quotas are supported when this option is enabled.  If you
# change the value of this option, you must do a `make clean' in your
# kernel compile directory in order to get a working kernel.
#options		QUOTA			#enable disk quotas

# Add more checking code to various filesystems

# In particular multi-session CD-Rs might require a huge amount of
# time in order to "settle".  If we are about mounting them as the
# root f/s, we gotta wait a little.
# The number is supposed to be in seconds.
#options			"CD9660_ROOTDELAY=3D20"

# Add some error checking code to the null_bypass routine
# in the NULL filesystem
#options		SAFETY

# POSIX P1003.1B

# Real time extensions added int the 1993 Posix
# P1003_1B: Infrastructure
# _KPOSIX_VERSION:             Version kernel is built for

options		P1003_1B
options		_KPOSIX_VERSION=3D199309L



# The SCSI subsystem consists of the `base' SCSI code, a number of
# high-level SCSI device `type' drivers, and the low-level host-adapter
# device drivers.  The host adapters are listed in the ISA and PCI
# device configuration sections below.
# Beginning with FreeBSD 2.0.5 you can wire down your SCSI devices so
# that a given bus, target, and LUN always come on line as the same
# device unit.  In earlier versions the unit numbers were assigned
# in the order that the devices were probed on the SCSI bus.  This
# means that if you removed a disk drive, you may have had to rewrite
# your /etc/fstab file, and also that you had to be careful when adding
# a new disk as it may have been probed earlier and moved your device
# configuration around.

# This old behavior is maintained as the default behavior.  The unit
# assignment begins with the first non-wired down unit for a device
# type.  For example, if you wire a disk as "sd3" then the first
# non-wired disk will be assigned sd4.

# The syntax for wiring down devices is:

# controller	scbus0 at ahc0		# Single bus device
# controller	scbus1 at ahc1 bus 0	# Single bus device
# controller	scbus3 at ahc2 bus 0	# Twin bus device
# controller	scbus2 at ahc2 bus 1	# Twin bus device
# disk 		da0 at scbus0 target 0 unit 0
# disk		sd1 at scbus3 target 1
# disk		sd2 at scbus2 target 3
# tape		st1 at scbus1 target 6
# device	cd0 at scbus?

# "units" (SCSI logical unit number) that are not specified are
# treated as if specified as LUN 0.

# All SCSI devices allocate as many units as are required.

# The "unknown" device (uk? in pre-2.0.5) is now part of the base SCSI
# configuration and doesn't have to be explicitly configured.

controller	scbus0	#base SCSI code
device		ch0	#SCSI media changers
device		da0	#SCSI disks
device		sa0	#SCSI tapes
device		cd0	#SCSI CD-ROMs
device		pass0	#CAM passthrough driver

# debugging options:
# -- NOTE --  If you specify one of the bus/target/lun options, you must
#             specify them all!
# CAMDEBUG: When defined enables debugging macros
# CAM_DEBUG_BUS:  Debug the given bus.  Use -1 to debug all busses.
# CAM_DEBUG_TARGET:  Debug the given target.  Use -1 to debug all targets.
# CAM_DEBUG_LUN:  Debug the given lun.  Use -1 to debug all luns.
#                   CAM_DEBUG_SUBTRACE, and CAM_DEBUG_CDB
# CAM_MAX_HIGHPOWER: Maximum number of concurrent high power (start unit) c=
# SCSI_NO_SENSE_STRINGS: When defined disables sense descriptions
# SCSI_NO_OP_STRINGS: When defined disables opcode descriptions
# SCSI_REPORT_GEOMETRY: Always report disk geometry at boot up instead
#                       of only when booting verbosely.
# SCSI_DELAY: The number of MILLISECONDS to freeze the SIM (scsi adapter)
#             queue after a bus reset, and the number of milliseconds to
#             freeze the device queue after a bus device reset.
#options		CAMDEBUG
#options		"CAM_DEBUG_BUS=3D-1"
#options		"CAM_DEBUG_TARGET=3D-1"
#options		"CAM_DEBUG_LUN=3D-1"
#options		"CAM_MAX_HIGHPOWER=3D4"
#options		SCSI_DELAY=3D8000	# Be pessimistic about Joe SCSI device

# Options for the CAM CDROM driver:
# CHANGER_MIN_BUSY_SECONDS: Guaranteed minimum time quantum for a changer L=
# CHANGER_MAX_BUSY_SECONDS: Maximum time quantum per changer LUN, only
#                           enforced if there is I/O waiting for another LUN
# The compiled in defaults for these variables are 2 and 10 seconds,
# respectively.
# These can also be changed on the fly with the following sysctl variables:

# Options for the CAM sequential access driver:
# SA_SPACE_TIMEOUT: Timeout for space operations, in minutes
# SA_REWIND_TIMEOUT: Timeout for rewind operations, in minutes
# SA_ERASE_TIMEOUT: Timeout for erase operations, in minutes
options		SA_SPACE_TIMEOUT=3D"(60)"
options		SA_REWIND_TIMEOUT=3D"(2*60)"
options		SA_ERASE_TIMEOUT=3D"(4*60)"


# Of these, only the `log' device is truly mandatory.  The `pty'
# device usually turns out to be ``effectively mandatory'', as it is
# required for `telnetd', `rlogind', `screen', `emacs', and `xterm',
# among others.=20
# If you wish to run certain
# system utilities which are compressed by default (like /stand/sysinstall)
# then `gzip' becomes mandatory too.
pseudo-device	pty	256	#Pseudo ttys - can go as high as 256
pseudo-device	speaker		#Play IBM BASIC-style noises out your speaker
pseudo-device	gzip		#Exec gzipped a.out's
pseudo-device	vn		#Vnode driver (turns a file into a device)
pseudo-device	snp	3	#Snoop device - to look at pty/vty/etc..
#pseudo-device	ccd	4	#Concatenated disk driver

# Size of the kernel message buffer.  Should be N * pagesize.
#options		"MSGBUF_SIZE=3D40960"


# ISA and EISA devices:
# EISA support is available for some device, so they can be auto-probed.
# Micro Channel is not supported at all.

# Mandatory ISA devices: isa, sc or vt, npx
controller	isa0

# Options for `isa':
# AUTO_EOI_1 enables the `automatic EOI' feature for the master 8259A
# interrupt controller.  This saves about 0.7-1.25 usec for each interrupt.
# This option breaks suspend/resume on some portables.
# AUTO_EOI_2 enables the `automatic EOI' feature for the slave 8259A
# interrupt controller.  This saves about 0.7-1.25 usec for each interrupt.
# Automatic EOI is documented not to work for for the slave with the
# original i8259A, but it works for some clones and some integrated
# versions.
# MAXMEM specifies the amount of RAM on the machine; if this is not
# specified, FreeBSD will first read the amount of memory from the CMOS
# RAM, so the amount of memory will initially be limited to 64MB or 16MB
# depending on the BIOS.  If the BIOS reports 64MB, a memory probe will
# then attempt to detect the installed amount of RAM.  If this probe
# fails to detect >64MB RAM you will have to use the MAXMEM option.
# The amount is in kilobytes, so for a machine with 128MB of RAM, it would
# be 131072 (128 * 1024).
# TUNE_1542 enables the automatic ISA bus speed selection for the
# Adaptec 1542 boards. Does not work for all boards, use it with caution.
# BROKEN_KEYBOARD_RESET disables the use of the keyboard controller to
# reset the CPU for reboot.  This is needed on some systems with broken
# keyboard controllers.
# PAS_JOYSTICK_ENABLE enables the gameport on the ProAudio Spectrum

options		"AUTO_EOI_1"
#options		"AUTO_EOI_2"
#options		"MAXMEM=3D(128*1024)"
#options        "TUNE_1542"

# Enable PnP support in the kernel.  This allows you to automaticly=20
# attach to PnP cards for drivers that support it and allows you to =20
# configure cards from USERCONFIG.  See pnp(4) for more info.
#controller      pnp0

# The keyboard controller; it controlls the keyboard and the PS/2 mouse.
controller	atkbdc0	at isa? port IO_KBD

# The AT keyboard
device		atkbd0	at atkbdc? irq 1

# `flags' for atkbd:
#       0x01    Force detection of keyboard, else we always assume a keyboa=
#       0x02    Don't reset keyboard, useful for some newer ThinkPads
#       0x04    Old-style (XT) keyboard support, useful for older ThinkPads

device 		vga0	at isa?	port ? conflicts
options		VESA
pseudo-device	splash

# The syscons console driver (sco color console compatible).
device		sc0	at isa?
options		MAXCONS=3D4		# number of virtual consoles
#options		"STD8X16FONT"		# Compile font in
makeoptions	"STD8X16FONT"=3D"cp850"
options		SC_HISTORY_SIZE=3D200	# number of history buffer lines
#options		SC_DISABLE_REBOOT	# disable reboot key sequence

# `flags' for sc0:
#       0x01    Use a 'visual' bell
#       0x02    Use a 'blink' cursor
#       0x04    Use a 'underline' cursor
#       0x06    Use a 'blinking underline' (destructive) cursor
#       0x08    Force detection of keyboard, else we always assume a keyboa=
#       0x10    Old-style (XT) keyboard support, useful for older ThinkPads
#       0x20    Don't reset keyboard, useful for some newer ThinkPads

# This device is mandatory.
# The Numeric Processing eXtension is used to either enable the
# coprocessor or enable math emulation.  If your machine doesn't contain
# a math co-processor, you must *also* add the option "MATH_EMULATE".
device		npx0	at nexus? port IO_NPX iosiz 0x0 flags 0x0 irq 13

# `flags' for npx0:
#	0x01	don't use the npx registers to optimize bcopy
#	0x02	don't use the npx registers to optimize bzero
#	0x04	don't use the npx registers to optimize copyin or copyout.
# The npx registers are normally used to optimize copying and zeroing when
# all of the following conditions are satisfied:
#	"I586_CPU" is an option
#	the cpu is an i586 (perhaps not a Pentium)
#	the probe for npx0 succeeds
#	INT 16 exception handling works.
# Then copying and zeroing using the npx registers is normally 30-100% fast=
# The flags can be used to control cases where it doesn't work or is slower.
# Setting them at boot time using userconfig works right (the optimizations
# are not used until later in the bootstrap when npx0 is attached).

# `iosiz' for npx0:
# This can be used instead of the MAXMEM option to set the memory size.  If
# it is nonzero, then it overrides both the MAXMEM option and the memory
# size reported by the BIOS.  Setting it at boot time using userconfig takes
# effect on the next reboot after the change has been recorded in the kernel
# binary (the size is used early in the boot before userconfig has a chance
# to change it).

# Optional ISA and EISA devices:

# ATA and ATAPI devices
# This is work in progress, use at your own risk.
# It currently reuses the majors of wd.c and friends.
# It cannot co-exist with the old system in one kernel.
# You only need one "controller ata0" for it to find all
# PCI devices on modern machines.
#controller	ata0
#device		atadisk0	# ATA disk drives
#device		atapicd0	# ATAPI CDROM drives
#device		atapifd0	# ATAPI floppy drives
#device		atapist0	# ATAPI tape drives
# If you need ISA only devices, this is the lines to add:
#controller	ata1	at isa? port "IO_WD1" bio irq 14
#controller	ata2	at isa? port "IO_WD2" bio irq 15
# All the controller lines can coexist, the driver will
# find out which ones are there.

#controller ata0
#device		atapicd0	# ATAPI CDROM drives
#device		atadisk0	# ATA disk drives

# ST-506, ESDI, and IDE hard disks: `wdc' and `wd'
# NB: ``Enhanced IDE'' is NOT supported at this time.
# The flags fields are used to enable the multi-sector I/O and
# the 32BIT I/O modes.  The flags may be used in either the controller
# definition or in the individual disk definitions.  The controller
# definition is supported for the boot configuration stuff.
# Each drive has a 16 bit flags value defined:
#	The low 8 bits are the maximum value for the multi-sector I/O,
#	where 0xff defaults to the maximum that the drive can handle.
#	The high bit of the 16 bit flags (0x8000) allows probing for
#	32 bit transfers.
# The flags field for the drives can be specified in the controller
# specification with the low 16 bits for drive 0, and the high 16 bits
# for drive 1.
# e.g.:
#controller	wdc0	at isa? port "IO_WD1" bio irq 14 flags 0x00ff8004 vector w=
# specifies that drive 0 will be allowed to probe for 32 bit transfers and
# a maximum multi-sector transfer of 4 sectors, and drive 1 will not be
# allowed to probe for 32 bit transfers, but will allow multi-sector
# transfers up to the maximum that the drive supports.

controller	wdc0	at isa? port "IO_WD1" irq 14
disk		wd0	at wdc0 drive 0
disk		wd1	at wdc0 drive 1
controller	wdc1	at isa? port "IO_WD2" irq 15
disk		wd2	at wdc1 drive 0
disk		wd3	at wdc1 drive 1

# Options for `wdc':
# CMD640 enables serializing access to primary and secondary channel
# of the CMD640B IDE Chip. The serializing will only take place
# if this option is set *and* the chip is probed by the pci-system.
#options         "CMD640"	#Enable work around for CMD640 h/w bug
# ATAPI enables the support for ATAPI-compatible IDE devices
#options         ATAPI   #Enable ATAPI support for IDE bus
#options		ATAPI_STATIC	#Don't do it as an LKM

# Use either the acd or the wcd device, not both!
# IDE CD-ROM & CD-R/RW  driver - requires wdc controller and ATAPI option
#device          acd0

# IDE CD-ROM driver - requires wdc controller and ATAPI option
device          wcd0

# IDE floppy driver - requires wdc controller and ATAPI option
#device          wfd0

# Standard floppy disk controllers and floppy tapes: `fdc', `fd', and `ft'
controller	fdc0	at isa? port "IO_FD1" irq 6 drq 2
# FDC_DEBUG enables floppy debugging.  Since the debug output is huge, you
# gotta turn it actually on by setting the variable fd_debug with DDB,
# however.
#options		FDC_DEBUG
# This option is undocumented on purpose.
# Activate this line instead of the fdc0 line above if you happen to
# have an Insight floppy tape.  Probing them proved to be dangerous
# for people with floppy disks only, so it's "hidden" behind a flag:
#controller fdc0 at isa? port "IO_FD1" bio flags 1 irq 6 drq 2 vector fdintr

disk		fd0	at fdc0 drive 0
#disk		fd1	at fdc0 drive 1
#tape		ft0	at fdc0 drive 2

# Other standard PC hardware: `lpt', `mse', `psm', `sio', etc.
# lpt: printer port
#	lpt specials:
#		port can be specified as ?, this will cause the driver to scan
#		the BIOS port list;
#		the irq and vector clauses may be omitted, this
#		will force the port into polling mode.
# mse: Logitech and ATI InPort bus mouse ports
# psm: PS/2 mouse port [note: conflicts with sc0/vt0, thus "conflicts" keyw=
# sio: serial ports (see sio(4))

device		sio0	at isa? port IO_COM1 irq 4
device		sio1	at isa? port IO_COM2 irq 3

device ed0 at isa? port 0x300 irq 12 iomem 0xd8000

# Audio drivers: `snd', `sb', `pas', `gus', `pca'
# snd: Voxware sound support code
# sb: SoundBlaster PCM - SoundBlaster, SB Pro, SB16, ProAudioSpectrum
# sbxvi: SoundBlaster 16
# sbmidi: SoundBlaster 16 MIDI interface
# pas: ProAudioSpectrum PCM and MIDI
# gus: Gravis Ultrasound - Ultrasound, Ultrasound 16, Ultrasound MAX
# gusxvi: Gravis Ultrasound 16-bit PCM	(do not use)
# mss: Microsoft Sound System
# opl: Yamaha OPL-2 and OPL-3 FM - SB, SB Pro, SB 16, ProAudioSpectrum
# uart: stand-alone 6850 UART for MIDI
# mpu: Roland MPU-401 stand-alone card
# Beware!  The addresses specified below are also hard-coded in
# i386/isa/sound/sound_config.h.  If you change the values here, you
# must also change the values in the include file.
# pca: PCM audio through your PC speaker
# If you have a GUS-MAX card and want to use the CS4231 codec on the
# card the drqs for the gus max must be 8 bit (1, 2, or 3).
# If you would like to use the full duplex option on the gus, then define
# flags to be the ``read dma channel''.
# options BROKEN_BUS_CLOCK	#PAS-16 isn't working and OPTI chipset
# options SYMPHONY_PAS		#PAS-16 isn't working and SYMPHONY chipset
# options EXCLUDE_SBPRO		#PAS-16
# options SBC_IRQ=3D5		#PAS-16. Must match irq on sb0 line.
# PAS16: The order of the pas0/sb0/opl0 is important since the
#	sb emulation is enabled in the pas-16 attach.
# The i386/isa/sound/sound.doc has more information.

# Controls all "VOXWARE" driver sound devices.  See Luigi's driver
# below for an alternate which may work better for some cards.

#controller snd0
#device sb0 at isa? port 0x220 irq5 drq 1
#device sbxvi0 at isa? drq5
#device sbmidi0 at isa? port 0x330
#device opl0 at isa? port 0x388

# Luigi's snd code (use INSTEAD of snd0 and all VOXWARE drivers!).
# You may also wish to enable the pnp controller with this, for pnp
# sound cards.
device pcm0 at isa? port ? irq 5 drq 1 flags 0x15 # vector pcmintr

# Not controlled by `snd'
device pca0 at isa? port IO_TIMER1

device		joy0	at isa? port "IO_GAME"

# The main PCI bus device is `pci'.  It provides auto-detection and
# configuration support for all devices on the PCI bus, using either
# configuration mode defined in the PCI specification.
# The `ahc' device provides support for the Adaptec 29/3940(U)(W)
# and motherboard based AIC7870/AIC7880 adapters.
# The `ncr' device provides support for the NCR 53C810 and 53C825
# self-contained SCSI host adapters.
# The `amd' device provides support for the Tekram DC-390 and 390T
# SCSI host adapters, but is expected to work with any AMD 53c974
# PCI SCSI chip and the AMD Ethernet+SCSI Combo chip, after some
# local patches were applied to the sources (that had originally
# been written by Tekram and limited to work with their SCSI cards).
# The `de' device provides support for the Digital Equipment DC21040
# self-contained Ethernet adapter.
# The `fxp' device provides support for the Intel EtherExpress Pro/100B
# PCI Fast Ethernet adapters.
# The `tx' device provides support for the SMC 9432TX cards.
# The `vx' device provides support for the 3Com 3C590 and 3C595
# early support
# The `fpa' device provides support for the Digital DEFPA PCI FDDI
# adapter. pseudo-device fddi is also needed.
# The `meteor' device is a PCI video capture board. It can also have the
# following options:
#   options METEOR_ALLOC_PAGES=3Dxxx	preallocate kernel pages for data entry
#   options METEOR_DEALLOC_PAGES	remove all allocated pages on close(2)
#   options METEOR_DEALLOC_ABOVE=3Dxxx	remove all allocated pages above the
#	specified amount. If this value is below the allocated amount no action
#	taken
#	for initialization of fps routine when a signal is not present.
# The 'bktr' device is a PCI video capture board. It also has a TV tuner
# on board.
# The 'dpt' driver provides hardware RAID-{0,1,5} support, multi-initiator =
# and is part of the DIO (Distributed I/O) option.  Only the PCI controllers
# are supported.  the following options are controlled from here.
# See sys/dev/dpt for debugging and other subtle options.
#   DPT_VERIFY_HINTR        Performs some strict hardware interrupts testin=
#                           Increases interrupt latency so leave it off und=
#                           normal conditions.
#   DPT_RESTRICTED_FREELIST Normally, the freelisat used by the DPT for que=
#                           management grows dynamically.  On heavily loaded
#                           systems this can consume 1-8MB of kernel memory.
#                           Enabling this option resticts the number of que=
#                           slots to DPT_FREE_LIST_INCREMENT (64).
#   DPT_TRACK_CCB_STATES    Enabling thos option will try to enforce sanity=
#                           state transitions in the conntroller Command
#                           Blocks.  It is a debugging/development option.
#   DPT_MEASURE_PERFORMANCE Enables a set of (semi)invasive metrics. Various
#                           phases of the CCB's, as well as all SCSI comman=
#                           are timed and tallied.  Costs about 1us/command.
#   DPT_FREELIST_IS_STACK   For optimat L{1,2} CPU cache utilization, enabl=
#                           this option.  It may invoke race conditions on =
#                           motherboards.
#   DPT_HANDLE_TIMEOUTS     Normally device timeouts are handled by the DPT=
#                           firmware.  With this option enabled, an indepen=
#                           mechanism is run in the FreeBSD kernel.  Leave =
#                           option enabled for now, as some hardware fails=
#                           without it.
#   DPT_TIMEOUT_FACTOR      Used to compute the excessive amount of time to
#                           wait in case of a command that is too late.  It=
#                           a multiplication factor.
#  DPT_DEBUG_xxxx           These are controllable from sys/dev/dpt/dpt.h

controller	pci0
controller	ahc1
#options 	PCI_QUIET


# Parallel-Port Bus
# Parallel port bus support is provided by the `ppbus' device.
# Multiple devices may be attached to the parallel port, devices
# are automatically probed and attached when found.
# Supported devices:
# vpo	Iomega Zip Drive
#	Requires SCSI disk support ('scbus' and 'sd'), best
#	performance is achieved with ports in EPP 1.9 mode.
# nlpt	Parallel Printer
# plip	Parallel network interface
# ppi	General-purpose I/O ("Geek Port")
# pps	Pulse per second Timing Interface

# Supported interfaces:
# ppc	ISA-bus parallel port interfaces. =20

controller	ppbus0
controller	vpo0	at ppbus?
device		lpt0	at ppbus?
device		plip0	at ppbus?
device		ppi0	at ppbus?
device		pps0	at ppbus?
#device		lpbb0	at ppbus?

controller	ppc0	at isa? port ? irq 7

# USB support
# UHCI controller=20
controller	uhci0
# OHCI controller
controller	ohci0
# General USB code (mandatory for USB)
controller	usb0
# for the moment we have to specify the priorities of the device
# drivers explicitly by the ordering in the list below. This will
# be changed in the future.
# USB Iomega Zip 100 Drive
controller	umass0
# USB mouse
device		ums0
# USB keyboard
device		ukbd0
# USB printer
device		ulpt0
# Human Interface Device (anything with buttons and dials)
device		uhid0
# Generic USB device driver
device		ugen0
options		UHCI_DEBUG
options		OHCI_DEBUG
options		USB_DEBUG
options		UHUB_DEBUG
options		UMS_DEBUG
options		UKBD_DEBUG
options		UMASS_DEBUG
options		UHID_DEBUG
options		UGEN_DEBUG
options		ULPT_DEBUG

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