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Date: Thu, 02 Oct 2003 13:42:44 -0400
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Terry Lambert wrote:
> Bill Moran wrote:
>>Jason C. Wells wrote:
>>>What's wrong with ROT_13?  Is there a sploit for it?
>>I think it was born 'sploited.
>>>I figure if the guys at MIT allow it, it must be just fine.  That Sam
>>>Hartman is a sharp guy.  Why do you ask?
>>Is this the same ROT_13 that Netscape mail used to use? ... that I
>>(seriously) had a Spiderman decoder ring for when I was a kid?  Am
>>I getting it confused with something else?
> It's a Caeser cipher with a periodicity of 13.
> The point is not to be cryptographically strong... it's to be
> able to claim that anyone who decodes the content is in violation
> of the DMCA.
> Therefore, you can, for example, post DeCSS in ROT-13, and if
> the MPAA or DVDA comes after you for the sources being a DMCA
> violation, you can point out that their decoding of the sources
> is a DMCA violation.
> I've personally been lobbying for a cryptographic type definition
> from IANA for a crypto system called "plaintext".

Hmm ... why not do the same with "English"?

"A method of encrypting complex ideas into a serious of sounds
that can be represented by written symbols."

I mean ... at that point, when somebody decrypts a message written
in plaintext+english, you've got a _sure_ case.  I mean, they
circumvented TWO enctyption systems!

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies