From owner-freebsd-alpha  Mon Jan 11 05:00:13 1999
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Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 09:26:21 -0500
From: "Kaleb S. KEITHLEY" <>
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Subject: Re: horrible hack / SRM console
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> I don't know the overall popularity of the various approaches, but the
> one I'm familiar with is to replace whatever firmware there was to start
> with (ARC, SRM) with MILO itself. The one Linux/AXP box I have access to
> works this way.

I'm sure you can update the firmware in NVRAM from the Debug Monitor ROM
firmware -- if you have that firmware installed and can figure out the
arcane DMR commands to make that happen. 

Isn't the only way to update firmware from the ARC console by running
fwupdate.exe on a floppy? The Genius at Digital that decided on a
special fwupdate.exe for every firmware file is to be commended.

For boards like Wilco's Aspen System board, which apparently has the
firmware in EPROM though, installing MILO in firmware isn't an option,
right? Unless someone wants to go into business selling the FreeBSD MILO
analog EPROMs.


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