From owner-freebsd-stable  Thu Apr 26  7:41: 8 2001
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To: Kris Kennaway <>
Cc:, dakota@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Random (?) kernel panics 
In-Reply-To: Message from Kris Kennaway <> 
   of "Thu, 26 Apr 2001 05:24:39 MST." <> 
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Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 10:40:00 +0000
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FWIW, my 4.3-RC #1 machine has been panic'ing with the same message.  It's
happened twice now.  I'm currently not saving cores, but will configure
my machine to do so.  I noticed yesterday before it happened that top
was reporting nearly 100 MB free memory, but also that I had about 50MB
of swap being used.  I thought that was a little odd, but don't know
enough about how things work to know if that is normal or not.  I
just had never noticed it before.


I think I heard Kris Kennaway say:
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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>On Thu, Apr 26, 2001 at 11:58:54AM +0000, Jaime Kikpole wrote:
>> Kris Kennaway <> said:
>> > On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 09:42:45PM -0400, Jaime Kikpole wrote:
>> > > makeoptions	DEBUG=3D-g		#Build kernel with gdb(1) debug
> symbols
>> >=20
>> > The debugging stuff is all stripped out when the kernel is installed
>> > into /, however it remains in the kernel.debug file in your kernel
>> > build directory: if you haven't rebuilt your kernel since, you can use
>> > this kernel with gdb and the vmcore image (it must be the same one as
>> > the kernel which panicked and dumped the vmcore, otherwise it won't
>> > work properly).
>> 	So I'll need to reboot to the kernel.debug kernel, wait for the next=20
>> panic, and then I'll have the details in gdb.  Right?
>Nope, you just run gdb using the kernel.debug instead of the
>/var/crash/kernel.  That's the point; the debug kernel is kept around
>in case you need it later.
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