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Date:      Mon, 29 Jan 2001 15:20:02 -0800 (PST)
From:      "Kenneth D. Merry" <>
Subject:   Re: misc/24725: failing install: not loading proper adaptec driver
Message-ID:  <>

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The following reply was made to PR misc/24725; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: "Kenneth D. Merry" <>
Cc: freebsd-gnats-submit@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: misc/24725: failing install: not loading proper adaptec driver
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 16:11:33 -0700

 On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 13:57:18 -0800, wrote:
 > during installation, the user config utility within the installation
 > menu does not contain the necessary driver for my adaptec 2842
 > controller.  i am having to create the kern.flp and mkfsroot.flp
 > bootup floppies to install from.  i can't seem to find in any of the
 > docs/helps/readmes/FAQs/etc on *how_to_add* the driver for the 2842,
 > though on one of the readmes, it is said that this controller is
 > supported.  I had the exact same problem when trying to install from
 > my freebsd 3.3 distro.  sorry, the BIOS does not support booting
 > directly from CD-ROM.  
 > I'm looking for the procedure/command line option/whatever_it_takes
 > to get this driver into the kernel.  i do not have another freeBSD
 > system to build a kernel on for this install.
 The ahc driver handles the 2842, and it should automatically detect the
 card.  i.e. you shouldn't need to do anything in userconfig in order for
 your card to be detected.  You should just be able to boot the system.
 Although the 2842 is a VLB board, this is also the case for PCI boards --
 they're automatically detected, and there's no way to manually tweak
 whether they're probed or not from userconfig.
 > >How-To-Repeat:
 > platorm: Ocean hippo dca/2 motherboard, 486DX2/66 cpu, 32M RAM,
 > Adaptec 2842 SCSI controller w/ floppy, generic vga, 3 SCSI disks,
 > SCSI CD-ROM, SCSI 4mm DAT (Archiv Python).  This system has had linux
 > working on it.
 > create install floppies and go for it.  - unable to add driver for
 > adaptec 2842.
 > suggestion, if it's not already been done:  one of the readmes/helps
 > should have a "this is how you add supported drivers not included
 > in the generic install kernel build."
 Kenneth Merry

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