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From: Doug White <>
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To: Mike Tancsa <>
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Subject: Re: Help with IDE drive...
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On Fri, 21 Feb 1997, Mike Tancsa wrote:

> I have decided to kill my Win95 partition and take it over with FreeBSD.
> The problem is, is that I am having no end of troubles trying to disklabel
> it...

You need to disklabel -w this at some point.

Try these instructions.  

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From: Terry Lambert <>
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Subject: A: Installing a second disk drive
To: (Matthew Z. Stout)
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 15:43:15 -0700 (MST)
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> I have sent several pieces of e-mail in the past few days, and am in 
> desperate need of a reply.  I need to know the exact procedure for 
> preparing a new hard drive for use in a FreeBSD 2.1 machine.  I have a 
> 2.2 gig SCSI-2 hard drive, and have been struggling with fdisk and 
> newfs for a week now.  I simply need someone to outline the proper 
> steps for use of fdisk, newfs and mount in the installation of this 
> hard drive.

This is covered both in the handbook and in the -questions archive.

Undoubtedly, a search didn't find it because someone used the
subject "Need Help!!!" or something similar instead of using
something like "Q: Installing a second disk drive".

Here are the long and short versions.  If you are not running
-current or a recent snap, you will need to use the long

					Terry Lambert
Any opinions in this posting are my own and not those of my present
or previous employers.
This should be the handbook entry:

] Hmm.. I have a feeling this is 'unsupported' to say the least, but
] after mucking around with fdisk and disklabel, and still getting
] errors from newfs, I wound up doing 
] 	<change to console 0>
] 	login as root
] 	cd /stand
] 	./sysinstall
] now do "partition" (or whatever the first selection is) 
] After defining everything on the right disk, hit "w" to go into wizard
] mode. From here, do "write".
] Then repeat with "label" (or whatever the second selection is).
] Exit, and newfs
] No warranties, but this worked for me when adding the 4th SCSI disk. 
]  -Terje
] ____________________________________________________________________
] Terje Thoegersen, Systems Consultant |
] Norsk Hydro a.s, Hydro Data	     | Tel   : +47 2273 9298  
] P.O.Box 200, 			     | Fax   : +47 2273 9614 
] 1321 Stabekk, Norway    	     | Pager :     966 32801

Here is the "long form":

] Again,
] Here is Seppo Kalio's excellent documentation on how to add a second 
] disk.
] Thanks for everyone who did help me! I hope we did all learn 
] something..
] I have now done this about 10 times and now I feel I know something 
] about it.
] I agree with John Capo <> that it is trivial after you 
] know how
] to do it ;-). And I agree that the biggest problem is fdisk. It is 
] not
] trivial what parameters you have change and how! The disklabel -e -r 
] sd1 is
] not so hard to use. Nor newfs or mount ;-)
] -----------------------------------------------------------------------
] Here final (?) text how to do it. Or how I have done it.
] In an example here I have 80MB SCSI disk (in a AHA 2940 controller),
] FreeBSD 2.0.5R.
] You have to start with fdisk (# -lines written by me):
] # fdisk -i -u /dev/rsd1
] ******* Working on device /dev/rsd1 *******
] parameters extracted from in-core disklabel are:
] cylinders=1923 heads=64 sectors/track=32 (2048 blks/cyl)
]  Figures below won't work with BIOS for partitions not in cyl 1
] parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are:
] cylinders=1923 heads=64 sectors/track=32 (2048 blks/cyl)
] # The cylinder count is nonsence, the disk is 80-81 MB,
] # so it should be 80 or 81. Head and sector count OK.
] # On all Adaptec controlled disks heads=64 and sectors=32
] # The head count has nothing to do with the disk drive hardware
] # head count. Same with cylinder and sector count.
] Do you want to change our idea of what BIOS thinks ? [n] n
] # Wrong cylinder count does not matter, forward!
] Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1
] # This should be: "First sector must be 1"
] Information from DOS bootblock is:
] The data for partition 0 is:
] sysid 165,(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD)
] # Sysid you must know it is 165, it is zero when you have empty disk
] # Where are the docs about this?
]     start 32, size 163840 (80 Meg), flag 80
]         beg: cyl 0/ sector 1/ head 0;
]         end: cyl 79/ sector 32/ head 63
] Do you want to change it? [n] y
] Supply a decimal value for "sysid" [0] 165   # FreeBSD = 165
] Supply a decimal value for "start" [0] 0     # 0 (32  on bootdisk?)
] Supply a decimal value for "size" [0] 163840 # This comes from 
] 80*32*64
] # If bootdisk, you must substract 2048 (=32*64) ?????????
] Explicitly specifiy beg/end address ? [n] y
] Supply a decimal value for "beginning cylinder" [0]  # (*
] Supply a decimal value for "beginning head" [0]      # (*
] Supply a decimal value for "beginning sector" [0] 1  # Must be 1 (*
] Supply a decimal value for "ending cylinder" [0] 79  # Cylinders 0 to 
] 79=80
] Supply a decimal value for "ending head" [0] 63      # (*
] Supply a decimal value for "ending sector" [0] 32    # (*
] sysid 165,(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD)
]     start 0, size 163840 (80 Meg), flag 0
]         beg: cyl 0/ sector 1/ head 0;
]         end: cyl 79/ sector 32/ head 63
] Are we happy with this entry? [n]
] # (* are same to all disks in Adaptec SCSI controllers.
] # Ending cylinder is same number as the MB count minus one (here 
] 80-1)
] The data for partition 1 is:
] Do you want to change it? [n] n
] The data for partition 2 is:
] Do you want to change it? [n] n
] The data for partition 3 is:
] Do you want to change it? [n] n
] Do you want to change the active partition? [n] n
] We haven't changed the partition table yet.  This is your last 
] chance.
] parameters extracted from in-core disklabel are:
] cylinders=1923 heads=64 sectors/track=32 (2048 blks/cyl)
]  Figures below won't work with BIOS for partitions not in cyl 1
] parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are:
] cylinders=1923 heads=64 sectors/track=32 (2048 blks/cyl)
] Information from DOS bootblock is:
] 0: sysid 165,(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD)
]     start 0, size 163840 (80 Meg), flag 0
]         beg: cyl 0/ sector 1/ head 0;
]         end: cyl 79/ sector 32/ head 63
] 1: <UNUSED>
] 2: <UNUSED>
] 3: <UNUSED>
] Should we write new partition table? [n] y  # if all is correct
] # you will get following error message, forget it.
] ioctl DIOCWLABEL: Operation not supported by device
] # Then start disklabel -e -r sd1
] # You will get a screen something like:
] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
] # /dev/rsd1c:
] type: SCSI
] disk: d80mb
] label:
] flags:
] bytes/sector: 512
] sectors/track: 32
] tracks/cylinder: 64
] sectors/cylinder: 2048
] cylinders: 80
] sectors/unit: 165888
] rpm: 3600                     # If this is zero, put here 3600
] interleave: 1                 # If this is zero, put here 1
] trackskew: 0
] cylinderskew: 0
] headswitch: 0           # milliseconds
] track-to-track seek: 0  # milliseconds
] drivedata: 0
] 3 partitions:                 # Uh?
] #        size   offset    fstype   [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
]   c:   163840        0    unused        0     0         # (Cyl.    0 
] - 79)
] --------------------------------------------------------------------------
] # c: is the whole disk, do not touch it!
] # I want to add one 10MB swap to this disk, rest space for files.
] # So I write to extra lines (before the c: -line):
]   a:   143840    20000    4.2BSD      0     0
]   b:    20000        0      swap
] # Note: the sum of size fields is a+b=c. The offset is the starting
] # block number of the partition. When swap starts from 0 and is
] # 20000 blocks then next  partition starts from 20000.
] # The extra zeroes on a: line mus be there!
] # There it is. Exit from editor, if errors try to correct.
] # Next make filesystem:
] # newfs /dev/rsd1a
] Warning: calculated sectors per cylinder (4096) disagrees with disk 
] label (2048)
] Warning: 3136 sector(s) in last cylinder unallocated
] /dev/rsd1a:     123840 sectors in 31 cylinders of 1 tracks, 4096 
] sectors
]         60.5MB in 2 cyl groups (16 c/g, 32.00MB/g, 7680 i/g)
] super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
]  32, 65568,
] # So some sectors could be defined more .. this terminology is 
] awfull:
] # Here newfs is speaking about 3136 sectors. In fdisk we define that
] # the disk has 32 sectors!
] # These must be blocks of 512 bytes, or what are they???? 3136 blocks
] # is 1605632 bytes that is 1.6MB. The actual size of my disk is more
] # than 80MB, it is about 81 MB.
] # And mount it:
] # mount /dev/sd1a /mnt
] # df
] Filesystem       1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
] /dev/sd0a            96143    30253    58198    34%    /
] /dev/sd0s1f        1404471   741255   550858    57%    /home
] /dev/sd0s1e         387503   273317    83185    77%    /usr
] procfs                   4        4        0   100%    /proc
] kaarna:/home/www   1518207  1310531    86219    94%    /opt/www
] /dev/sd1a            59951        1    55153     0%    /mnt
] # If you get to this point, you are lucky. It is not easy. The
] # fdisk is the hardest part.
] Seppo
] -----------------------------------------------------------------------
]   Andrew Webster   Network Manager / Special Projects
]   Dataradio Inc.   200-5500 Royalmount Ave.      TEL: +1 514 737 0020
]   Town of Mount Royal, QC, CANADA  H4P 1H7       FAX: +1 514 737 7883
]              Email:
>From Sun Jul 28 16:08:53 1996
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 1996 13:29:43 +0200 (MET DST)
From: J Wunsch <>
Reply-To: Joerg Wunsch <>
To: FreeBSD-current users <>
Cc: Ernie Elu <>
Subject: Re: Adding a second scsi drive

As Ernie Elu wrote:

> Can someone one email me a set of instructions on how to add a second scsi
> drive with -current without using sysinstall?

I mailed my procedure a dozen times:

	disklabel -Brw sd1 auto
	disklabel -e sd1	# edit partitions
	for filesys in `get file system partitions of sd1`
		newfs -d0 /dev/rsd1${filesys}
	vi /etc/fstab

This creates ``dangerously dedicated'' drives (thus no `fdisk'
required), as long as this is fine with you, the above is perhaps the
easiest way.

> Sysinstall still core dumps when I try and usr it to partition and and 
> disklabel the second drive.

Analyze it, and tell Jordan about the actual problem.

cheers, J"org -- -- NIC: JW11-RIPE
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)
>From Tue Oct  1 19:26:51 1996
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 12:44:20 -0700
From: Darryl Okahata <>
To: Mark Cheeseman <>
Subject: Re: Adding a second disk - what am I missing? 

> I thought sysinstall was supposed to take care of that so I haven't tried it
> until now. Everything looks sensible except for the last few lines which 
> say something like (excuse any typos - I don't have cut/paste here):
> 8 partitions:
> #	size       offset       fstype  [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
>   c:	2031650		0	unused	0     0     # (Cyl.   0 - 27088*)
> Can I just change "unused" to "freebsd"? What should I do about the 8
> partitions? Change it to 1, or leave it as it is?

     If and only if all of the following are true:

* You're an intermediate- to expert-level user.  (DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT

* You have a SCSI disk (you did mention "sd0" -- IDE drives may work in
  the following, but I don't know).

* You want to dedicate the *ENTIRE* disk to FreeBSD.

* You have no data on the disk that you want to keep.

* You don't mind losing ALL DATA that is currently on the disk.

* You don't mind destroying any and all MSDOS or Windows 3.1/95/NT
  information that is on the disk.

* You don't plan on using or sharing the disk with other operating
  systems (e.g., MSDOS or Windows).

* You want to partition the *ENTIRE* FreeBSD slice into a single FreeBSD

Then, the easiest way to add a dedicated disk is the following:

* First, determine the base disk name of the disk you want to add.  Your
  earlier posting said "sd0", a SCSI disk -- is this correct?  This
  implies that you're probably booting off an IDE disk, and not a SCSI
  disk, as "sd0" is typically the boot drive (when booting from a SCSI

* Assuming that "sd0" really is correct (MAKE SURE OF THIS, AS YOU'LL
  (assuming Bourne shell /bin/sh syntax):

	# This won't work if you're using /bin/csh:
	dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/r$d count=2
	disklabel /dev/r$d | disklabel -B -R -r $d /dev/stdin
	# We only want one partition, so using slice 'c' should be fine:
	newfs /dev/r${d}c

  (Thanks to Bruce Evans for the procedure.)

You can then mount the drive via a command like:

	mount /dev/${d}c /mnt

Expert users can partition the FreeBSD slice into multiple filesystems
using a slightly different procedure:

	# This won't work if you're using /bin/csh:
	dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/r$d count=2
	disklabel /dev/r$d > $TMP
	# Edit disklabel to add partitions:
	vi $TMP
	disklabel -B -R -r $d $TMP
	# newfs partitions appropriately

[ In case anyone's interested, I'm working on a perl script from h*ll
  that attempts to simplify adding an hard disk (this perl script
  generates a shell script that does the proper fdisk/disklabel/newfs
  crud).  I hope to release an alpha version this week to solicit
  comments. ]

     -- Darryl Okahata

DISCLAIMER: this message is the author's personal opinion and does not
constitute the support, opinion, or policy of Hewlett-Packard, or of the
little green men that have been following him all day.

Doug White                              | University of Oregon  
Internet:    | Residence Networking Assistant    | Computer Science Major