From owner-cvs-all  Wed Sep 12  5:55:32 2001
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Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 22:54:56 +1000 (EST)
From: Bruce Evans <>
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To: Peter Wemm <>
Cc: "Brian F. Feldman" <>,
	Mark Murray <>, <>,
Subject: Re: cvs commit: src/sys/kern subr_prf.c src/sys/sys systm.h 
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On Tue, 11 Sep 2001, Peter Wemm wrote:

> Bruce Evans wrote:
> > Disagreed.  This seems like a normal optimization to me.  It's like
> > replacing strlen("foo") by 3.
> This is bogus too.  Who says that strlen("foo") returns three in the library
> I am linking with?

The C standard :-).

> These optimizations should only be activated if #include <string.h>
> or #include <stdio.h> and there is some sort of attribute marker on
> the functions being optimized.

Perhaps to be kind to external implementations, but the C standard permits
the implementation (compiler + possibly-external) to implement extern
interfaces like strlen() in any way that meets the requirements of the

> Unless I #include <string.h>, then strlen() is not any of the compiler's
> business.  Unless I #include <stdio.h>, then printf() is not any of the
> compiler's business.  Otherwise any under-the-table substitutions are
> bogus.  These functions are not part of the core language spec, they are
> something that is introduced as part of the optional includes and standard
> c library.

This only holds for things like "NULL" which are only reserved if a relevant
header is included (or in the freestanding case).  In the hosted case, the
library non-optional.


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