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Subject: Re: more on reducing FreeBSD
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2002 14:40:02 -0700
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> > Surprisingly little patching was required in /usr/src, but
> > there was some pretty sad looking stuff in openssh for instance
> > which needed patching (as some of you have found out :-).
>     Are you talking about getting sshd to not do PAM?
>     I notice sshd and telnetd seems to ignore the define
>     NO_PAM (or NOPAM, can't remember).

oh yeah I forgot about that.  (actually, I gave up on trying to build
without pam).  No, what I was refering to was the fact that some objects in
libssh.a (linked by the various ssh binaries) need symbols in ssh.c and
sshd.c (incidentally those were added to support ip6).

> > The real fun starts with the miscellaneous stuff, like the
> > rc.* and those little /etc/*{tab,.conf} files you never even
> > know you had or needed.  Many of those are highly subset-specific.
>     I agree.  It is annoying that I don't compile, for example,
>     named, but I have /etc/namedb/*.  I know I can remove them
>     manually, but it would be nice if these stuff are only
>     installed with make install.

thats a good example.  another is the combination of /etc/ttys, /dev/*, and
kernel options depending on the desired console configuration.  There are
also fun interactions between bind, dhclient, dhcpd which require one-of
magic and it would be nice to have something that understands how to
generate configs, dhcp hooks, etc, depending on functionality subset you

btw: I like the "new distribution" idea, but I dont think its good enough to
commit to it being "80MB" or "40MB" or even "10MB".  we should just get the
dependencies cleaned up and defined in some generic format, let the
installer pick the subset, and then have a way to build & install what is
necessary and only that.  I know thats a lot to ask but that I believe
should be our long term goal.

Helmut Hissen <>
Zeebar Technology Services, Inc.

ps: acrosser makes very nice disk-on-flash "IDE plugs"

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