From owner-freebsd-hackers  Sun Aug 10 12:23:33 1997
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Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 12:23:00 -0700
From: John-Mark Gurney <>
To: Brandon Gillespie <>
Cc: freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.ORG, markm@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: why bother submitting anything (via send-pr)
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In-Reply-To: <>; from Brandon Gillespie on Sun, Aug 10, 1997 at 10:50:27AM -0600
Reply-To: John-Mark Gurney <>
Organization: Cu Networking
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Brandon Gillespie scribbled this message on Aug 10:
> I'm debating with myself why I should bother submitting anything with
> send-pr anymore.  It seems that unless it happens to be a pet project of
> one of the developers, it will pretty much be ignored and never committed. 
> I have two submissions pending SOME response (even a 'no, we dont want it'
> would be appreciated)--but nothing.  The first is a rewrite of the
> libcrypt,

pr2302, this one has been analyzed by markm, and the last statement on
the code is:
I'll commit this real soon now. 

of course that was back on Jan 18...  so I'm cc'ing markm onto this

> and the second is 'doconfig' (a wrap of the kernel build
> process, based off Digital Unix'es doconfig). Its been so long since I've
> sent these in that I've lost the send-pr id for them (altho I could dig
> them up again). 


  John-Mark Gurney                          Modem/FAX: +1 541 683 6954
  Cu Networking

  Live in Peace, destroy Micro$oft, support free software, run FreeBSD