From owner-freebsd-current  Sat May 23 04:31:32 1998
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To: Julian Elischer <>
cc: Brian Somers <>, freebsd-current@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: **HEADS UP** user-ppp has changed ! 
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Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 10:12:56 +0100
From: Brian Somers <>
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I've started looking at mpd.  I just haven't had the time 'till now.

> did you test it against mpd?
> On Thu, 21 May 1998, Brian Somers wrote:
> > Anyone using ppp in -current should take the time to read 
> > README.changes and re-read the man page.  There are more new features 
> > than I can remember, one of which is Multilink.
> > 
> > The code is still a bit raw..... and has *not* been tested well 
> > in multilink mode (I have limited resources).
> > 
> mpd has been tested against a lot of terminal servers etc.

Brian <>, <>, <>
Don't _EVER_ lose your sense of humour....

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