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Date:      Mon, 27 Aug 2007 17:04:51 GMT
From:      Felippe de Meirelles Motta <>
Subject:   ports/115877: [Update/Repocopy] mail/qmail-scanner 
Message-ID:  <>
Resent-Message-ID: <>

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>Number:         115877
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       [Update/Repocopy] mail/qmail-scanner
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Aug 27 17:10:00 GMT 2007
>Originator:     Felippe de Meirelles Motta
>Release:        FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE i386
FreeBSD Brasil LTDA
FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE #0: Mon Jun 25 13:46:23 BRT 2007  i386
- Please repocopy mail/qmail-scanner to mail/qmail-scanner1(1.25), and it for mail/qmail-scanner (version 2.01);
- Take maintainership (discussed and approved by garga@, actual maintainer);
- Note UPDATING in this PR.


Patch attached with submission follows:

diff -ruN qmail-scanner.old/Makefile qmail-scanner/Makefile
--- qmail-scanner.old/Makefile	Fri Aug 10 15:17:08 2007
+++ qmail-scanner/Makefile	Mon Aug 27 11:18:55 2007
@@ -1,169 +1,253 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for:   qmail-scanner
-# Date created:	       2003-08-24
-# Whom:                moeti
+# New ports collection makefile for:	qmail-scanner
+# Date created:		2007-08-10
+# Whom:			Felippe de Meirelles Motta <>
-# $FreeBSD: ports/mail/qmail-scanner/Makefile,v 1.15 2007/02/22 12:57:43 jmelo Exp $
+# $FreeBSD$
 PORTNAME=	qmail-scanner
 CATEGORIES=	mail security
 COMMENT=	Content/Anti-virus Scanner for qmail
 MANUAL_PACKAGE_BUILD=	Requires qmail built with non-standard setting
-BUILD_DEPENDS=	reformime:${PORTSDIR}/mail/maildrop \
-		${SITE_PERL}/${PERL_ARCH}/Time/${PORTSDIR}/devel/p5-Time-HiRes
+BUILD_DEPENDS+=	reformime:${PORTSDIR}/mail/maildrop \
+		${SITE_PERL}/${PERL_ARCH}/Time/${PORTSDIR}/devel/p5-Time-HiRes \
+		${SITE_PERL}/${PERL_ARCH}/MIME/${PORTSDIR}/converters/p5-MIME-Base64
 QMAIL_QUEUE=	${QMAIL_PREFIX}/bin/qmail-queue
 USE_PERL5=	yes
 NO_BUILD=	yes
-# Barely optionnal
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_TNEF)
+QS_USER?=	qscand
+QS_ADMIN?=	postmaster
+QS_ID?=		85
+DOCS=		logging_first_80_chars.eml patch_for_nod32_single_user.eml \
+		reformime-test.eml spamc-nasty.eml spamc-nice.eml vpopmail-issues.eml
+CONTRIB=	mrtg-qmail-scanner.cfg check_AV_daemons logrotate.qmail-scanner \
+ rbl_scanner.txt \
+ \
+ \
+		qmail-scanner-queue.c
+SPOOLDIR?=	/var/spool/qscand
+OPTIONS=	TNEF "Mark Simpson's Patch (Recommended)" on \
+		FIX_MIME "Fix broken MIME messages" off \
+		REDUNDANT "Scan attachments and body mails" on \
+		NORMALIZE "Decode encoded headers per MIME Base64" off \
+		UNZIP "Force UNZIP all zip files" off
+		--spooldir "${SPOOLDIR}" \
+		--bindir "${PREFIX}/bin" \
+		--qmail-queue-binary "${QMAIL_QUEUE}" \
+		--mime-unpacker "reformime" \
+		--batch
+SUB_FILES=	pkg-message
+		QS_ID=${QS_ID}
+PKGINSTALL?=	${WRKDIR}/pkg-install
+.include <>
+.if defined(WITH_TNEF)
 BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${LOCALBASE}/bin/tnef:${PORTSDIR}/converters/tnef
-# Options
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--archive yes
-QMAILSCAN_NOTIFY?=	psender,precips
-.if defined(QMAILSCAN_LANG)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--log-crypto yes
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--unzip no
+.if !defined(WITH_FIX_MIME)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--fix-mime no
+.if !defined(WITH_REDUNDANT)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--redundant no
+.if !defined(WITH_NORMALIZE)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--normalize no
+.if defined(WITH_UNZIP)
 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--unzip yes
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=		unzip:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/unzip
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--block-password-protected yes
+.if !defined(QS_USER)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--qs-user "${QS_USER}"
+.if !defined(QS_ADMIN)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--scanners auto
+.if defined(QS_ADMIN_DESC)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--admin-description "${QS_ADMIN_DESC}"
+.if defined(QS_SCANNERS)
+.if defined(QS_SKIP_MSGS)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--skip-text-msgs "${QS_SKIP_MSGS}"
+.if !defined(QS_NOTIFY)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--notify psender,precips
+.if defined(QS_LOCALDOMAINS) && !empty(QS_LOCALDOMAINS)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--local-domains "${QS_LOCALDOMAINS}"
-SPOOLDIR=	${PREFIX}/qmailscan
+.if defined(QS_SA_QUARANTINE)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--sa-quarantine "${QS_SA_QUARANTINE}"
-		--qmaildir "${QMAIL_PREFIX}" --spooldir "${SPOOLDIR}" \
-		--bindir "${PREFIX}/bin" --qmail-queue-binary "${QMAIL_QUEUE}" \
-		--admin "${QMAILSCAN_ADMIN}" --notify "${QMAILSCAN_NOTIFY}" \
-		--silent-viruses "${QMAILSCAN_SILENTVIRUSES}" \
-		--redundant yes \
-		--add-dscr-hdrs yes \
-		--log-details syslog --debug no \
-		--batch
+.if defined(QS_LANG)
+.if defined(QS_ARCHIVE)
+.if defined(QS_MAX_SCAN_SIZE)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--max-scan-size "${QS_MAX_SCAN_SIZE}"
+.if defined(QS_LOGDETAILS)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--log-details "${QS_LOGDETAILS}"
+.if defined(QS_LOGCRYPTO)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--log-crypto "${QS_LOGCRYPTO}"
+.if defined(QS_EOLCHECK)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--ignore-eol-check "${QS_EOLCHECK}"
+.if defined(QS_HEADERS)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--add-dscr-hdrs "${QS_HEADERS}"
+.if defined(QS_DEBUG)
+.if defined(QS_MAX_ZIP_SIZE)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--max-zip-size "${QS_MAX_ZIP_SIZE}"
 	@${ECHO_MSG} ""
 	@${ECHO_MSG} "----------------------------------------"
 	@${ECHO_MSG} "You may use the following build options:"
 	@${ECHO_MSG} ""
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "QMAILSCAN_ADMIN          email adress of qmail-scanner admin for alerts"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "QMAILSCAN_ADMINREALNAME* name to use when sending alerts"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "QMAILSCAN_LANG           specify languages for QS mails (notify, etc..)"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "                         supported languages are: af_ZA, cs_CZ, da_DK, de_DE,"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "                         en_GB, en_PL, enlt_LT, enlt_LT_short, es_ES, fr_FR,"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "                         it_IT, ja_JP.EUC, nl_NL, no_NO, pl_PL, pt_BR, pt_PT,"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "                         sk_SK, sv_SE, tr_TR, tr_TR_ascii and tw_BIG5"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "                         default depends on your LANG variable"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "                         (en_GB if LANG is not set)"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "QMAILSCAN_LOCALDOMAINS   domains classified as local domains preventing alerts"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "                         of externals users (and mailing-lists...)"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "QMAILSCAN_LOGCRYPTO      simply notes in the log record if the message"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "                         contained any form of digital signing or encryption"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "                         (S/MIME, PGP and password protected files)"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "                         default is disabled"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "QMAILSCAN_MAXZIPSIZE     zip that would have unpacked into more diskspace"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "                         than this value will be blocked (prevent DoS)"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "                         default is 1000000000"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "QMAILSCAN_NOTBLKZIPPW    zip password protected are blocked by default"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "                         setting this variable to disable this function"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "QMAILSCAN_NOTIFY         who has to be notify of viruses/spams"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "                         defaults to 'psender,precips'"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "QMAILSCAN_SCANNERS       list of installed content scanner"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "                         default is automatic, so you do not need to set this"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "QMAILSCAN_SILENTVIRUSES  viruses that qs shoud not notify about"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "QMAILSCAN_SPAMSREDIRECT* set this if you want to redirect all spams to a"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "                         specific email address"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "QMAILSCAN_SPAMSTOSUFFIX* suffix to alter spams recipients with"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} ""
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "When you set the last option to 'spam', a detected spam will be delivered to"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "'user-spam@domain' instead of 'user@domain'."
-	@${ECHO_MSG} ""
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "* Please note these options are only available with FreeBSD ports "
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "So please, do not report relatives bugs to qmail-scanner team, but maintainer."
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "----------------------------------------"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} ""
-	@if ! ${TEST} -f ${QMAIL_QUEUE}; then \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "Unable to found qmail-queue binary trying '${QMAIL_QUEUE}'.";  \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "Please set QMAIL_PREFIX to your qmail installation directory !"; \
-		exit 1; \
-	fi
-	${TEST} -f ${WRKSRC}/
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "QS_USER		User to run Q-S"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			(Default: qscand)"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "QS_ADMIN		Administrator Q-S Address"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			(Default: postmaster)"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "QS_ADMIN_DESC	Real Name of Administrator Q-S"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			(Default: System Anti-Virus Administrator)"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "QS_SCANNERS	List of scanners installed, e.g. bitdefender,nod32"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			(Default: auto)"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "QS_SKIP_MSGS	Q-S will skip running any anti-virus scanners on"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			any messages it works out are text-only."
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			(Default: yes|no)"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "QS_NOTIFY		Who has to be notify of viruses/spams"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			(Default: 'psender|precips')"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "QS_LOCALDOMAINS	Domains classified as local domains preventing alerts"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			of externals users (and mailing-lists...)"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "QS_SA_QUARANTINE	If SA tags a message as having a score higher than"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			'required_hits', then that message will be quarantined"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			into a new maildir '/.spam/' and not delivered to end-user"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			(Default: disabled, Options: Any positive number)"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "QS_LANG		Specify languages for Q-S mails alerts"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			Supported languages are: af_ZA, cs_CZ, da_DK, de_DE,"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			en_GB, en_PL, enlt_LT, enlt_LT_short, es_ES, fr_FR,"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			it_IT, ja_JP.EUC, nl_NL, no_NO, pl_PL, pt_BR, pt_PT,"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			sk_SK, sv_SE, tr_TR, tr_TR_ascii and tw_BIG5"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			Default depends on your LANG variable"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			(Default: en_GB if LANG is not set)"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "QS_ARCHIVE	If "yes", all copies of processed mail will be moved into the"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			maildir '$SPOOLDIR/$ARCHIVEDIR/'. Any other string besides 'yes'"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			and 'no' will be treated as a REGEX. Only mail from or to an"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			address that contains that regex will be archived."
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			e.g. 'jhaar|harry'"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			(Default: no, Options: yes|no|regex)"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "QS_LOGDETAILS	Whether or not to log to mailstats.csv/via syslog the attachment"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			structure of every Email message. Logs to "syslog"  by default."
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			(Default: syslog, Options: yes|syslog|no)"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "QS_LOGCRYPTO	Simply notes in the log record if the message"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			contained any form of digital signing or encryption"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			(S/MIME, PGP and password protected files)"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			(Default: no, Options: yes|no)"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "QS_MAXSCANSIZE	Email messages (raw size) larger than this number (in bytes)"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			will skip all AV and Spam scanning checks. It's to stop Q-S"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			scanning 300Mbyte TIFF file messages and the like."
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			(Default: 100Mbytes)"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "QS_MAXZIPSIZE	Zip that would have unpacked into more diskspace"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "                  than this value will be blocked (prevent DoS)"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "                  (Default: 1Gbytes)"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "QS_EOLCHECK	Making this "yes" stops Qmail-Scanner from treating '\r' or '\0'"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			chars in the headers of MIME mail messages as being suspicious"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			enough to quarantine mail over."
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			(Default: no, Options: yes|no)"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "QS_HEADERS	This adds the now old-fashion X-Qmail-Scanner headers to the message."
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			"all" adds the "rcpt to" headers too - this is a privacy hole."
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			(Default: no, Options: yes|no|all)"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "QS_DEBUG		Whether or not debugging is turned on. Can be also set to a number."
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			NOTE: Numbers over 100 cause Q-S to not cleanup working files"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} "			(Default: yes, Options: yes|no|number)"
+	@${ECHO_MSG} ""
+	@${SED} -e 's,%%SPOOLDIR%%,${SPOOLDIR},g; s,%%QS_USER%%,${QS_USER},g; \
+		s,%%QS_ID%%,${QS_ID},g; s,%%PREFIX%%,${PREFIX},g' \
+		${FILESDIR}/ > ${WRKDIR}/pkg-install
-	-${TEST} -f ${PREFIX}/bin/ && \
-		${MV} ${PREFIX}/bin/ \
-			${PREFIX}/bin/
-	${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/ ${PREFIX}/bin
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/quarantine-attachments.txt \
-		${SPOOLDIR}/quarantine-attachments.sample
-	${TEST} -f ${SPOOLDIR}/quarantine-attachments.txt || \
-		${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/quarantine-attachments.txt ${SPOOLDIR}
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/mrtg-qmail-scanner.cfg \
-		${PREFIX}/share/examples/qs2mrtg
+.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
+	@${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR}/contrib
+.for i in ${DOCS}
+	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/${i} ${DOCSDIR}/contrib
+.for j in ${CONTRIB}
+	${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/${j} ${DOCSDIR}/contrib
+	@${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/quarantine-events.txt ${SPOOLDIR}/quarantine-events.txt.sample
+	@${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/qmail-scanner-queue.template ${PREFIX}/bin/
+	@${ECHO_MSG} ""
-	@${ECHO_MSG}
+	@${ECHO_MSG} ""
 	@${ECHO_MSG} "If you're not updating this port, you can delete directory '${SPOOLDIR}'."
 	@${ECHO_MSG} ""
 	@${WRKSRC}/contrib/ -doit
-.include <>
+.include <>
diff -ruN qmail-scanner.old/distinfo qmail-scanner/distinfo
--- qmail-scanner.old/distinfo	Fri Aug 10 15:17:10 2007
+++ qmail-scanner/distinfo	Thu Aug 23 15:39:14 2007
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-MD5 (qmail-scanner-1.25.tgz) = 0117c425efb75208682fabcba4e1dd24
-SHA256 (qmail-scanner-1.25.tgz) = 6fa5743a0d180bc4d1a626c4bf56c06a29ec3c0d7cb2ce834add8faceefb9c01
-SIZE (qmail-scanner-1.25.tgz) = 221156
+MD5 (qmail-scanner-2.01.tgz) = 3fa95fb2e6bcea5adf450b6f1497ff5e
+SHA256 (qmail-scanner-2.01.tgz) = 4bf69d3581c23b552deffafcfca49f325c5fe6c5ee6012055f201b8535243472
+SIZE (qmail-scanner-2.01.tgz) = 226699
diff -ruN qmail-scanner.old/files/patch-configure qmail-scanner/files/patch-configure
--- qmail-scanner.old/files/patch-configure	Wed Jun  1 16:23:58 2005
+++ qmail-scanner/files/patch-configure	Tue Aug 14 13:08:14 2007
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
---- ./configure.orig	Mon Oct 18 21:26:55 2004
-+++ ./configure	Mon Jan 31 09:07:22 2005
+--- configure.old       Tue Aug 14 13:03:10 2007
++++ configure   Tue Aug 14 13:04:29 2007
 @@ -1,13 +1,6 @@
@@ -14,132 +14,12 @@
  umask 007
-@@ -51,6 +44,12 @@
-     #reset all English to en_GB
-     QSLANG="en_GB"
- fi
-+QSLANG=`echo $QSLANG|sed 's/\..*//'`
-+if [ "$QSLANG" = "ja_JP" ]; then
-+    #reset all Japanese to ja_JP.EUC
-+    QSLANG="ja_JP.EUC"
+@@ -73,7 +66,7 @@
+ LANGUAGES="`ls  -d locale/[a-z]*|sed 's?^locale\/??g'`"
+ QMAILDIR="/var/qmail"
- if [ ! -d "./locale/$QSLANG" ]; then
-     echo "
-@@ -87,7 +86,8 @@
- NOTIFY_ADDRESSES="psender,nmlvadm"
-+ADMIN_REALNAME="System Anti-Virus Administrator"
-@@ -100,13 +100,17 @@
- while [ -n "$1" ]
- do
-     case $1 in
-         --qs-user) if [ "$2" != "" ] ; then  shift ; fi ; QS_USER="$1" ;; 
-         --spooldir) if [ "$2" != "" ] ; then  shift ; fi ; AS_QQ="$1" ;;
- 	--qmaildir) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then shift ; fi ; QMAILDIR="$1" ;;
- 	--bindir) if [ "$2" != "" ] ; then  shift ; fi ; BINDIR="$1" ;;
--	--user|--admin) if [ "$2" != "" ] ; then  shift ; fi ; USERNAME="$1" ;;
--	--domain) if [ "$2" != "" ] ; then  shift ; fi ; MAILDOMAIN="$1" ;;
-+	--admin|--user) if [ "$2" != "" ] ; then shift ; fi ; ADMIN_MAIL=`echo $1 | sed 's/@/\\\\@/'` ;;
-+	--admin-realname) if [ "$2" != "" ] ; then shift ; fi ; ADMIN_REALNAME="$1" ;;
-+	--spams-redirect) if [ "$2" != "" ] ; then shift ; fi ; SPAMS_REDIRECT=`echo $1 | sed 's/@/\\\\@/'` ;;
-+	--spams-tosuffix) if [ "$2" != "" ] ; then shift ; fi ; SPAMS_TOSUFFIX="$1" ;;
- 	--notify) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then shift ; fi ; NOTIFY_ADDRESSES="$1" ;;
- 	--batch) DONOTCONFIRM="1" ; if [ "$2" != "" -a "`echo $2|grep '\-'`" = "" ] ; then  shift ; fi ;;
- 	--silent-viruses) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then shift ; fi ; FIND_SILENT_VIRUSES="$1" ;;
-@@ -138,9 +142,17 @@
-   --spooldir <spooldir> defaults to $AS_QQ/
-   --bindir <installdir> where to install
-                         Defaults to /var/qmail/bin/
--  --admin <username> user to Email alerts to (default: $USERNAME)
--  --domain <domain name> "user"@"domain" makes up Email address
--	 to Email alerts to.
-+  --admin <email> email to send alerts to (default: $ADMIN_MAIL)
-+  --admin-realname <...> realname for sending alerts
-+                         Defaults to "$ADMIN_REALNAME"
-+			 nb: use '_' instead of ' ' (sorry for inconvenience)
-+  --spams-redirect <email> email to redirect detected spams to
-+                           Defaults to empty (no redirection)
-+  --spams-tosuffix <suffix> suffix to alter recipient with
-+                            i.e. recipient user@domain
-+                                 will be transform into user-suffix@domain
-+                            Defaults to empty (do not alter recipients)
-+                            nb: 'spams-admin' option has precedence on this
-   --scanners <list of installed content scanners>
- 				    Defaults to "auto" - will use
- 				    whatever scanners are found on system.
-@@ -910,7 +922,7 @@
- 	    #Test to see if spamc is calling Unix sockets instead of TCP
- 	    SPAMD_SOCKET=`ps -ef 2>/dev/null|egrep 'spamd.*socket'|grep -v grep|sed -e 's/^.*socketpath=//'|awk '{print $1}'`
- 	    if [ "$SPAMD_SOCKET" = "" ]; then
--		SPAMD_SOCKET=`ps aux 2>/dev/null|egrep 'spamd.*socket'|grep -v grep|sed -e 's/^.*socketpath=//'|awk '{print $1}'`
-+		SPAMD_SOCKET=`ps auxwww 2>/dev/null|egrep 'spamd.*socket'|grep -v grep|sed -e 's/^.*socketpath[\ |=]//'|awk '{print $1}'`
- 	    fi
- 	    if [ "$SPAMD_SOCKET" != "" -a -S "$SPAMD_SOCKET" ]; then
-@@ -1005,9 +1017,14 @@
--CMDLINE="$0 --spooldir $AS_QQ --qmaildir $QMAILDIR --bindir $BINDIR --qmail-queue-binary $QMAILQUEUE_BIN  --admin $USERNAME --domain $MAILDOMAIN --notify $NOTIFY_ADDRESSES --local-domains $LOCAL_DOMAINS_ARRAY --silent-viruses $SILENT_VIRUSES --lang $QSLANG --debug $DEBUG_LEVEL --unzip $FORCE_UNZIP --block-password-protected $QUARANTINE_PASSWORD_PROTECTED --add-dscr-hdrs $DESCRIPTIVE_HEADERS --archive $ARCHIVEIT --redundant $REDUNDANT --log-details $LOG_DETAILS --log-crypto $LOG_CRYPTO --fix-mime $FIX_MIME  --ignore-eol-check $DISABLE_EOL_CHECK --scanners \"$SCANNERS\""
-+CMDLINE="$0 --spooldir $AS_QQ --qmaildir $QMAILDIR --bindir $BINDIR --qmail-queue-binary $QMAILQUEUE_BIN  --admin $ADMIN_MAIL --admin-realname \"$ADMIN_REALNAME\" --domain $MAILDOMAIN --notify $NOTIFY_ADDRESSES --local-domains $LOCAL_DOMAINS_ARRAY --silent-viruses $SILENT_VIRUSES --lang $QSLANG --debug $DEBUG_LEVEL --unzip $FORCE_UNZIP --block-password-protected $QUARANTINE_PASSWORD_PROTECTED --add-dscr-hdrs $DESCRIPTIVE_HEADERS --archive $ARCHIVEIT --redundant $REDUNDANT --log-details $LOG_DETAILS --log-crypto $LOG_CRYPTO --fix-mime $FIX_MIME  --ignore-eol-check $DISABLE_EOL_CHECK --scanners \"$SCANNERS\""
-+if [ -n "$SPAMS_REDIRECT" ]; then
-+    CMDLINE="$CMDLINE --spams-redirect $SPAMS_REDIRECT"
-+if [ -n "$SPAMS_TOSUFFIX" ]; then
-+    CMDLINE="$CMDLINE --spams-tosuffix $SPAMS_TOSUFFIX"
- if [ "$MANUAL_INSTALL" = "1" ]; then
- fi
-@@ -1381,7 +1398,7 @@
-     fi
- fi
- SCANNER_ARRAY=`echo $SCANNER_ARRAY|sed 's/^,//g'`
-@@ -1461,7 +1478,13 @@
-     fi
-     echo "archiving $ASTRING into $AS_QQ/$ARCHIVEDIR/"
- fi
--echo "virus-admin=$USERNAME@$MAILDOMAIN"
-+echo "admin=$ADMIN_MAIL"
-+if [ -n "$SPAMS_REDIRECT" ]; then
-+  echo "spams-admin=$SPAMS_REDIRECT"
-+if [ -n "$SPAMS_TOSUFFIX" ]; then
-+  echo "spams-suffix=$SPAMS_TOSUFFIX"
- echo "local-domains=$LOCAL_DOMAINS_ARRAY"
- echo "silent-viruses=$FIND_SILENT_VIRUSES_ARRAY"
- echo "scanners=$SCANNER_ARRAY"
-@@ -1623,10 +1646,12 @@
- s?FQDN?$FQDN?g;
- s?FIND?$FIND?g;
diff -ruN qmail-scanner.old/files/patch-qmail-scanner-queue.template qmail-scanner/files/patch-qmail-scanner-queue.template
--- qmail-scanner.old/files/patch-qmail-scanner-queue.template	Fri Oct 22 08:45:25 2004
+++ qmail-scanner/files/patch-qmail-scanner-queue.template	Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
---- qmail-scanner-queue.template.orig	Wed Mar 10 21:02:05 2004
-+++ qmail-scanner-queue.template	Mon Mar 15 01:26:52 2004
-@@ -85,11 +85,17 @@
- #From: line  information used when making reports
--my $V_FROMNAME='System Anti-Virus Administrator';
- # Address carbon-copied on any virus reports
-+# Address to where spams are redirected
-+# Suffix to alter recipients with (when spam detected)
- #Array of local domains that are checked against for
- #deciding whether or not to send recipient alerts to
-@@ -302,6 +308,7 @@
- }
- my ($quarantine_event,$quarantine_event_tmp,$quarantine_DOS)=0;
-+my $spam_event=0;
- my $file_id = &uniq_id();
-@@ -424,7 +431,18 @@
-     &email_quarantine_report;
-   } else {
-     &qmail_parent_check;
--    &qmail_requeue($env_returnpath,$env_recips,"$scandir/$wmaildir/new/$file_id"); 
-+    if ($spam_event) {
-+      if ($SPAMSADMIN) {
-+        &qmail_requeue($env_returnpath,"T$SPAMSADMIN\0\0","$scandir/$wmaildir/new/$file_id"); 
-+      } elsif ($SPAMSSUFFIX) {
-+	$env_recips =~ s/\@/\-$SPAMSSUFFIX\@/g;
-+        &qmail_requeue($env_returnpath,$env_recips,"$scandir/$wmaildir/new/$file_id"); 
-+      } else {
-+        &qmail_requeue($env_returnpath,$env_recips,"$scandir/$wmaildir/new/$file_id"); 
-+      }
-+    } else {
-+      &qmail_requeue($env_returnpath,$env_recips,"$scandir/$wmaildir/new/$file_id"); 
-+    }
-   }
-   alarm 0;
- };
diff -ruN qmail-scanner.old/files/ qmail-scanner/files/
--- qmail-scanner.old/files/	Sat May 29 21:37:26 2004
+++ qmail-scanner/files/	Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
----	Thu Dec  4 22:17:55 2003
-+++	Mon Mar 15 01:27:28 2004
-@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
-     $tag_score .= "SA:1($sa_score/$sa_max):";
-     $sa_comment = "Yes, hits=$sa_score required=$sa_max" if ($sa_fast);
-     &debug("SA: yup, this smells like SPAM");
-+    $spam_event = 1;
-   }	
-   if ($sa_score > 0) {
-     $sa_score=int($sa_score);
diff -ruN qmail-scanner.old/files/ qmail-scanner/files/
--- qmail-scanner.old/files/	Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969
+++ qmail-scanner/files/	Mon Aug 27 12:30:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+MKDIR="/bin/mkdir -p"
+case "$1" in
+  # User and group
+  ${PW} groupshow -n ${QS_USER} >/dev/null 2>&1 \
+    || ${PW} groupadd -n ${QS_USER} -g ${QS_ID}
+  ${PW} usershow -n ${QS_USER} >/dev/null 2>&1 \
+    || ${PW} useradd ${QS_USER} -g ${QS_USER} -u ${QS_ID} -s ${NOLOGIN}
+  ;;
+  # Directories
+  for i in working archives; do
+    for j in tmp cur new; do
+	[ ! -d ${SPOOLDIR}/${i}/${j} ] && (${MKDIR} ${SPOOLDIR}/${i}/${j} || exit 1)
+    done
+  done
+  for i in viruses policy spam; do
+    for j in tmp cur new; do
+	[ ! -d ${SPOOLDIR}/quarantine/${i}/${j} ] && (${MKDIR} ${SPOOLDIR}/quarantine/${i}/${j} || exit 1)
+    done
+  done
+  # Mod and owner
+  ${CHOWN} ${QS_USER}:${QS_USER} ${PREFIX}/bin/
+  ${CHMOD} 4755 ${PREFIX}/bin/
+  # Initialize
+  ${PREFIX}/bin/ -z
+  ${PREFIX}/bin/ -g
+  # Mod and owner (final)
+  ;;
diff -ruN qmail-scanner.old/files/ qmail-scanner/files/
--- qmail-scanner.old/files/	Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969
+++ qmail-scanner/files/	Tue Aug 14 14:42:27 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Congratulations! Qmail-Scanner is now installed!
+ - Please, configure correctly your anti-virus and anti-spam;
+ - You HAVE to reinstall this port each time you add or remo-;
+ve one;
+ - Now configure the environment variable to use qmail-scanner:
+ You just need to add for your tcpserver file (generally called
+as: tcp.smtp):
+ Or create an new file in /service/smtpd/env, with the following
+content and called as "QMAILQUEUE":
+ %%PREFIX%%/bin/
+NOTE: always you change anything in your environment dir, you just
+need to restart your smtpd, for it use: "svc -k /service/smtpd".
+You can test your installation by running 'make test' in port dir.
diff -ruN qmail-scanner.old/pkg-descr qmail-scanner/pkg-descr
--- qmail-scanner.old/pkg-descr	Thu Dec 11 09:40:34 2003
+++ qmail-scanner/pkg-descr	Mon Aug 13 09:46:25 2007
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-Qmail-Scanner is e-mail content scanner that enables a qmail server to
-scan all messages it receives for certain characteristics (normally viruses),
-and react accordingly.
+Qmail-Scanner is an add-on that enables a Qmail email server to scan gatewayed
+email for certain characteristics (i.e. a content scanner). It is typically used
+for its anti-virus and anti-spam protection functions, in which case it is used
+in conjunction with external scanners.
-If you have a commercial virus scanner (eg, Sophos sweep, McAfee
-uvscan, etc) installed when you build qmail-scanner, qmail-scanner
-will configure itself to use that.  Otherwise, it will only use its
-internal content filter which only allows you to block mail based
-on text in the subject/body, general types of attachments, etc.
+It also enables a site (at a server/site level) to create "Policy blocks":
+i.e. react to email that contains specific strings in particular headers, or
+particular attachment filenames or types (e.g. *.VBS attachments).
diff -ruN qmail-scanner.old/pkg-install qmail-scanner/pkg-install
--- qmail-scanner.old/pkg-install	Sat May 29 21:37:26 2004
+++ qmail-scanner/pkg-install	Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-case "$2" in
-  # User and group
-  ${PW} groupshow -n ${GU_NAME} >/dev/null 2>&1 \
-    || ${PW} groupadd -n ${GU_NAME} -g ${GU_ID}
-  ${PW} usershow -n ${GU_NAME} >/dev/null 2>&1 \
-    || ${PW} useradd ${GU_NAME} -g ${GU_NAME} -u ${GU_ID} -s /sbin/nologin
-  ${MKDIR} -p ${SPOOLDIR}
-  ${MKDIR} -p ${PREFIX}/share/examples/qs2mrtg
-  ;;
-  # Directories
-  for i in quarantine working archives; do
-    for j in tmp cur new; do
-      ${MKDIR} -p ${SPOOLDIR}/$i/$j
-    done
-  done
-  ${MKDIR} -p ${SPOOLDIR}/tmp
-  # Mod and owner
-  ${CHOWN} ${GU_NAME}:${GU_NAME} ${PREFIX}/bin/
-  ${CHMOD} 4755 ${PREFIX}/bin/
-  # Initialize
-  ${PREFIX}/bin/ -z
-  ${PREFIX}/bin/ -g
-  # Mod and owner (final)
-  ;;
diff -ruN qmail-scanner.old/pkg-message qmail-scanner/pkg-message
--- qmail-scanner.old/pkg-message	Thu Dec 11 09:40:34 2003
+++ qmail-scanner/pkg-message	Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- - You have to configure your anti-virus and anti-spams products!
- - You HAVE to reinstall this port each time you add or remove one!
-Now, you have to modify your qmail startup files to call qmail-scanner.
-In most case, you just need to add:
-  export QMAILQUEUE="${PREFIX}/bin/"
-to your tcpserver startup file.
-You can test installation by running 'make test' in port dir.
diff -ruN qmail-scanner.old/pkg-plist qmail-scanner/pkg-plist
--- qmail-scanner.old/pkg-plist	Sun Jan 22 00:20:03 2006
+++ qmail-scanner/pkg-plist	Mon Aug 27 13:32:59 2007
@@ -1,23 +1,29 @@
-@comment $FreeBSD: ports/mail/qmail-scanner/pkg-plist,v 1.7 2006/01/22 02:20:03 edwin Exp $
-@dirrm share/examples/qs2mrtg
-@unexec if cmp -s %D/%%SPOOLDIR%%/quarantine-attachments.txt %D/%%SPOOLDIR%%/quarantine-attachments.sample; then rm -f %D/%%SPOOLDIR%%/quarantine-attachments.txt && rm -f %D/%%SPOOLDIR%%/quarantine-attachments.db; fi
-@exec [ ! -f %D/%%SPOOLDIR%%/quarantine-attachments.txt ] && cp %D/%%SPOOLDIR%%/quarantine-attachments.sample %D/%%SPOOLDIR%%/quarantine-attachments.txt
-@dirrmtry %%SPOOLDIR%%/archives/cur
-@dirrmtry %%SPOOLDIR%%/archives/new
-@dirrmtry %%SPOOLDIR%%/archives/tmp
-@dirrmtry %%SPOOLDIR%%/archives
-@dirrmtry %%SPOOLDIR%%/quarantine/cur
-@dirrmtry %%SPOOLDIR%%/quarantine/new
-@dirrmtry %%SPOOLDIR%%/quarantine/tmp
-@dirrmtry %%SPOOLDIR%%/quarantine
-@dirrmtry %%SPOOLDIR%%/working/cur
-@dirrmtry %%SPOOLDIR%%/working/new
-@dirrmtry %%SPOOLDIR%%/working/tmp
-@dirrmtry %%SPOOLDIR%%/working
-@dirrmtry %%SPOOLDIR%%/tmp
-@dirrmtry %%SPOOLDIR%%
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%DOCSDIR%%/contrib
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%DOCSDIR%%
+@unexec echo ""
+@unexec echo "If you are permanently removing qmail-scanner, you should also:" | /usr/bin/fmt
+@unexec echo "'rm -rf %%SPOOLDIR%%' and remove user/group 'qscand'." | /usr/bin/fmt
+@unexec echo ""


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