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Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 05:04:31 -0700
From: Mike Makonnen <>
Subject: Re: rcNG rollout in -current
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To: Sheldon Hearn <>
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On Tue, 18 Jun 2002 10:29:32 +0200
Sheldon Hearn <> wrote:

> First the otherwise feedback. :-)
> | /etc/rc: INFO: mountd depends on rpcbind, which will be forced to start.
> | Starting rpcbind.
> | Starting mountd.
> | /etc/rc: WARNING: $portmap_enable is not set.
> Historically, we've been allowed to have portmap_enable="NO" (which is
> what I have) and rest assured that it would be started as a dependency.
> For this reason, the WARNING seems unnecessary.  Regardless,
> $portmap_program (rpcbind) is started correctly and 'showmount -e'
> indicates that mountd is working.

hmm... The warning is not comming from the forced starting of rpcbind.
If it were, it would appear before "starting rpcbind." I think its some other
service, maybe one of the yp* daemons. They require $portmap_enable
to be on, but they don't force rpcbind to start if its not. I think I will make 
a pass through the scripts and get rid of those required_variables and
just force whatever it is they need to start.

> | /etc/rc: WARNING: $sendmail_enable is not set properly.
> I think you alreday know about this one, but I'm not sure.  The WARNING
> appears harmless -- sendmail was not started, which is what I wanted
> with sendmail_enable="NONE".

Yeah, it'll be there untill I get together with Gregory, which will be soon.

> So it looks like the named_chrootdir idea needs a bit more thought.
> Unfortunately, I can't do the thinking right now.

yeah, a sandboxed bind server seems to do that to people.  :-)
I will make it less icky one of these days.

Mike Makonnen.

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