From owner-freebsd-questions  Mon Jan 22 18:24: 2 2001
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Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 21:23:08 -0500 (EST)
From: Chris Hill <>
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Reply-To: Chris Hill <>
To: Bill Moran <>
Cc: questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: NFS weirdness with SGI
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On Mon, 22 Jan 2001, Bill Moran wrote:

> I have some weirdness occurring with a couple of SGI workstations. The
> server is FreeBSD 4.2-STABLE running as an NFS server.
> My /etc/exports file consists of one line:
> /data/public -mapall=nobody:nobody
> (machine is behind a firewall, so anyone who can connect is trusted)
> However, when a user logs in as root to the SGI station, he can
> read/write all over the FreeBSD server with no problems, all files are
> created as root:wheel (why group wheel?)
> But if a normal user logs in to the SGI station, he can read but not
> write the NFS export on FreeBSD. It seems like a permissions problem to
> me.

This sounds similar to a problem I had recently. When I would created
files on an NFS-mounted filesystem, they would end up with the wrong
owner and group. It turned out that I had users on both machines with
the same User and group ID, but different names. For example - machine A
has a user foo (1002:1002) while machine B has a user bar (1002:1002)
and a user foo (1003:1003).  When I was logged into A as foo, I would
NFS-mount B but my files on B had owner/group bar instead of foo. This
was with both machines running FreeBSD, BTW. 

Once I vipw'd things so the users/groups/usernames were consistent
between the two machines, the problem went away.


Chris Hill     
**                     [ Busy expunging <-> ]

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