From owner-freebsd-current  Sat Sep  4 11:11:57 1999
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Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 11:10:10 -0700
From: John-Mark Gurney <>
To: Doug Rabson <>
Cc: "Zach N. Heilig" <>, freebsd-current@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: PNP ids missing in sio.c
References: <> <>
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In-Reply-To: <>; from Doug Rabson on Sat, Sep 04, 1999 at 03:20:00PM +0100
Reply-To: John-Mark Gurney <>
Organization: Cu Networking
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Doug Rabson scribbled this message on Sep 4:
> > This is of course a special case, a cranky network card and a
> > non-compiling driver for it.  If the new pnp code avoids using resources
> > hard-wired to non-pnp isa devices (it may, I changed hardware before the
> > code was fixed), there shouldn't be any problems.  It was an excellent
> > excuse to boot that nic anyway.
> The trick for this is to make sure that the config file contains accurate
> descriptions of all your non-pnp hardware. In this case, if you have:
> 	device ed0 at isa? port 0x300 irq 5 ...
> then the subsequent pnp probes should avoid those port and irq settings.

but the problem is that he couldn't have the line in because the driver
wouldn't compile...  so are we going to add a dummy isa device that takes
up resources so that this won't happen again?  maybe the user has some
win95 only isa card or something... but this needs to be able to be
configured...  along w/ doing this at boot -c time too...

  John-Mark Gurney				Voice: +1 541 684 8449
  Cu Networking					  P.O. Box 5693, 97405

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  The event is only the actualizing of its thought." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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