From owner-freebsd-hardware Sat Jul 27 11:01:51 1996 Return-Path: owner-hardware Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) id LAA23195 for hardware-outgoing; Sat, 27 Jul 1996 11:01:51 -0700 (PDT) Received: from ([]) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) with ESMTP id LAA23190 for ; Sat, 27 Jul 1996 11:01:50 -0700 (PDT) Received: (from brett@localhost) by (8.8.Alpha.4/8.8.Alpha.4) id MAA20534 for; Sat, 27 Jul 1996 12:02:06 -0600 (MDT) Date: Sat, 27 Jul 1996 12:02:06 -0600 (MDT) From: Brett Glass Message-Id: <> To: Subject: DigiBoard driver: How to use with X/em? Sender: X-Loop: Precedence: bulk I have here a brand-spanking-new DigiBoard PC/Xem intelligent serial card, plus a cable and a box with 16 RS-232 connectors. However, I can't seem to get them working with the FreeBSD DigiBoard driver. When I build and boot from a kernel with the dgb driver installed, I get: dgb0: PC/Xi 512K dgb0 at 0x204-0x207 maddr 0xfc0000 msize 524288 on isa dgb0: 2nd reset failed and the ports don't work. It looks as if the card is recognized; however, the second message suggests a hardware problem. The docs hint that there might be a problem with the card in machines with more than 15 MB of RAM, but when I cut the amount to 8 MB I got the same result. How can I find out what's wrong? --Brett