From owner-freebsd-current  Wed Sep 16 22:18:44 1998
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Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 22:18:25 -0700
From: "David O'Brien" <>
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Subject: Re: DEVFS & SLICE?
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> (edit /etc/fstab -> replace sdX with daX, stX with saX)
> At the "edit, config, build kernel" stage, you'll need to replace all
> SCSI devices with the corresponding CAM devices (sd -> da, st -> sa,
> od is out, ssc and su are out), add "options SCSI_CAM", convert your

It was my impression, one did not have to edit /etc/fstab on existing
systems.  Justin said the daX devices were the same major/minor as the
corrisonding sdX ones.

-- David    (  -or-

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