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Messages: 212, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:12:54 2023

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  1. May  3 John S. Dyson              Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD,  Berkeley License
  2. May  3 Sue Blake                  Re: Slogan
  3. May  3 Greg Lehey                 Re: Slogan
  4. May  3 Mark Murray                Re: Slogan
  5. May  3 Greg Lehey                 Re: Slogan
  6. May  3 Phillip Salzman            re: slogan
  7. May  3 Jan B. Koum                Re: FreeBSD sticker (please read) (was Re: FreeBSD * slogans*)
  8. May  3 Jordan K. Hubbard          Re: Slogan
  9. May  3 Don Wilde                  Re: A GUI greyscale interface by default
 10. May  3 Don Wilde                  Re: Slogan
 11. May  3 Nicole                     Re: Andreessen: Linux use growing
 12. May  3 Nicole                     RE: FreeBSD sticker (please read) (was Re: FreeBSD * slogans*)
 13. May  3 Nicole                     Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley
 14. May  3 Jan B. Koum                Re: FreeBSD versus LINUX
 15. May  3 Jonathan Lemon             Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley
 16. May  3 Open Systems Networking    Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley
 17. May  3 Brett Glass                Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley
 18. May  3 Jonathan M. Bresler" <jmb> Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley
 19. May  3 Eivind Eklund              Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley
 20. May  3 Greg Lehey                 Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley

21. May 3 Greg Lehey Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 22. May 3 Eivind Eklund Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 23. May 3 Greg Lehey Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 24. May 3 Amancio Hasty Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 25. May 3 Amancio Hasty Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 26. May 3 Jay Nelson Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 27. May 3 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: A GUI greyscale interface by default 28. May 3 Greg Lehey Re: screeshots part deux 29. May 3 John S. Dyson Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 30. May 3 Kriston J. Rehberg Re: Andreessen: Linux use growing 31. May 3 John Kenagy Re: Slogan 32. May 3 Jan B. Koum Re: Andreessen: Linux use growing 33. May 3 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: Andreessen: Linux use growing 34. May 3 David Greenman Re: Andreessen: Linux use growing 35. May 3 Greg Lehey Re: Demo CDs (was: blessing) 36. May 3 Greg Lehey Re: Demo CDs (was: blessing) 37. May 3 Open Systems Networking Re: Andreessen: Linux use growing 38. May 3 Open Systems Networking Re: Demo CDs (was: blessing) 39. May 3 Phillip Salzman Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 40. May 4 Marino Ladavac Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley
41. May 4 Greg Lehey Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 42. May 4 Josh Gilliam Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 43. May 4 Remy NONNENMACHER Re: Andreessen: Linux use growing 44. May 4 David Kelly Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 45. May 4 Jeremy Lea Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 46. May 4 Anthony C. Chavez Re: Andreessen: Linux use growing 47. May 4 Adrian T. Filipi-Martin Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 48. May 4 Dag-Erling Coidan =?iso-88 Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 49. May 4 Don Wilde Re: A GUI greyscale interface by default 50. May 4 Don Wilde Re: Andreessen: Linux use growing 51. May 4 Don Wilde Re: Andreessen: Linux use growing 52. May 4 Kriston J. Rehberg Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 53. May 4 Yarema Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 54. May 4 Jeremy Lea Re: Andreessen: Linux use growing 55. May 4 DRDavis Re: Andreessen: Linux use growing also SLOGAN! 56. May 4 Don Wilde Re: Andreessen: Linux use growing 57. May 4 Brett Taylor Re: screeshots part deux 58. May 4 Brett Glass InfoWorld brawl esclates 59. May 4 John Reynolds~ linux world contemplate packages ... 60. May 4 Eivind Eklund Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates
61. May 4 Brett Glass Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 62. May 4 Jan B. Koum Re: 3D "blender" package from NeoGeo now released. 63. May 4 allen campbell Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 64. May 4 Alex Re: linux world contemplate packages ... 65. May 4 David Greenman Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 66. May 4 Don Wilde Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 67. May 4 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: linux world contemplate packages ... 68. May 4 Jan B. Koum SunExpert give FreeBSD two thumbs up. 69. May 4 Jason C. Wells Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 70. May 4 Brett Glass Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 71. May 4 Amancio Hasty Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 72. May 4 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 73. May 4 Jason C. Wells Open Hardware Certification 74. May 4 John Kenagy Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 75. May 4 Amancio Hasty Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 76. May 4 Amancio Hasty Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 77. May 4 John S. Dyson Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 78. May 4 Amancio Hasty Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 79. May 5 Brett Glass Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 80. May 5 Nicole Re: Andreessen: Linux use growing
81. May 5 Amancio Hasty Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 82. May 5 Greg Lehey Re: SunExpert give FreeBSD two thumbs up. 83. May 5 Nicole Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates - promoted in syadmin magazine! 84. May 5 Nicole Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 85. May 5 Marc van Kempen Re: 3D "blender" package from NeoGeo now released. 86. May 5 webadmin Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 87. May 5 Josef Grosch Re: Andreessen: Linux use growing 88. May 5 Phillip Salzman Re: 3D "blender" package from NeoGeo now released. 89. May 5 Andreas Klemm Re: SunExpert give FreeBSD two thumbs up. 90. May 5 Stuart Henderson Re: A GUI greyscale interface by default / sysinstall II 91. May 5 Jerry Hicks Re: Andreessen: Linux use growing 92. May 5 Jonathan Lemon Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates - promoted in syadmin magazine! 93. May 5 John Reynolds~ ports/packages--misunderstood 94. May 5 Kriston J. Rehberg FreeBSD and OpenBSD -- differences? 95. May 5 Ben Cohen Re: A GUI greyscale interface by default / sysinstall II 96. May 5 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: A GUI greyscale interface by default / sysinstall II 97. May 5 Jan B. Koum Re: SunExpert give FreeBSD two thumbs up. 98. May 5 Jan B. Koum Re: SunExpert give FreeBSD two thumbs up. 99. May 5 Gary Kline Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 100. May 5 Ben Cohen Re: A GUI greyscale interface by default / sysinstall II
101. May 5 Brett Glass Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 102. May 5 Eivind Eklund Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 103. May 5 Amancio Hasty Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 104. May 5 Sean Kelly Re: SunExpert give FreeBSD two thumbs up. 105. May 5 Gary Kline Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 106. May 5 Brett Glass Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 107. May 5 Gary Kline Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 108. May 5 Brian Behlendorf streaming media serving w/FreeBSD 109. May 5 Amancio Hasty Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 110. May 5 Jay Nelson Re: FreeBSD and OpenBSD -- differences? 111. May 5 Jan B. Koum Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 112. May 5 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 113. May 5 Amancio Hasty Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 114. May 5 Amancio Hasty Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 115. May 5 Jan B. Koum Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 116. May 5 Adrian Filipi-Martin Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 117. May 6 Nicole Publicity! 118. May 6 Adam Turoff RE: linux world contemplate packages ... 119. May 6 Amancio Hasty Re: InfoWorld brawl esclates 120. May 6 Jason C. Wells The importance of InfoWorld
121. May 6 Amancio Hasty Latest News from the "Front-lines" 122. May 6 Open Systems Networking Re: Latest News from the "Front-lines" 123. May 6 Adrian Filipi-Martin Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley 124. May 7 Remy NONNENMACHER Re: Latest News from the "Front-lines" 125. May 7 Stuart Krivis Re: FreeBSD and OpenBSD -- differences? 126. May 7 Amancio Hasty New Advocacy Mission: (Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD ) 127. May 7 Julian Elischer Re: New Advocacy Mission: (Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD ) 128. May 7 Sune Stjerneby Re: FreeBSD and OpenBSD -- differences? 129. May 7 Alex InfoBeads: Linux #2 ISP OS.. 130. May 7 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: FreeBSD and OpenBSD -- differences? 131. May 7 Jan B. Koum Books (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 132. May 7 Greg Lehey O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 133. May 8 Don Wilde Re: The importance of InfoWorld 134. May 8 Don Wilde NW+IOP Presentation 135. May 8 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: NW+IOP Presentation 136. May 8 Remy NONNENMACHER Re: NW+IOP Presentation 137. May 8 Jason C. Wells Re: O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 138. May 8 Amancio Hasty Re: The importance of InfoWorld 139. May 8 Amancio Hasty Re: NW+IOP Presentation 140. May 8 Don Wilde Re: NW+IOP Presentation
141. May 8 Open Systems Networking *sigh* Anyone else see this article? 142. May 8 Jack Rusher Re: NW+IOP Presentation 143. May 8 Jonathan Lemon Re: NW+IOP Presentation 144. May 8 Jan B. Koum Re: *sigh* Anyone else see this article? 145. May 8 Open Systems Networking Re: *sigh* Anyone else see this article? 146. May 8 Adrian Filipi-Martin Re: InfoBeads: Linux #2 ISP OS.. 147. May 8 Open Systems Networking Anyone read THIS one? 148. May 8 Adrian Filipi-Martin Re: O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 149. May 8 Remy NONNENMACHER Re: *sigh* Anyone else see this article? 150. May 8 Jason C. Wells Re: NW+IOP Presentation 151. May 8 Jason C. Wells Re: NW+IOP Presentation 152. May 8 Greg Lehey Re: O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 153. May 8 Remy NONNENMACHER Re: InfoBeads: Linux #2 ISP OS.. 154. May 8 Matthew D. Fuller Re: *sigh* Anyone else see this article? 155. May 8 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: NW+IOP Presentation 156. May 8 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: NW+IOP Presentation 157. May 8 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: *sigh* Anyone else see this article? 158. May 8 Greg Lehey Re: O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 159. May 8 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 160. May 8 Greg Lehey Re: O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD)
161. May 8 Andrew Short Re: O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 162. May 8 Greg Lehey BSD Week (was: Demo CDs (was: blessing)) 163. May 8 Don Wilde Re: *sigh* Anyone else see this article? 164. May 8 Don Wilde Re: NW+IOP Presentation 165. May 8 Don Wilde Re: NW+IOP Presentation 166. May 8 Don Wilde Re: NW+IOP Presentation 167. May 8 Don Wilde Re: O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 168. May 8 dannyman Re: O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 169. May 8 Phillip Salzman Re: O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 170. May 8 Greg Lehey Re: O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 171. May 8 Greg Lehey Re: O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 172. May 8 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 173. May 8 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: *sigh* Anyone else see this article? 174. May 8 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: NW+IOP Presentation 175. May 8 Greg Lehey Re: O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 176. May 8 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 177. May 9 Phillip Salzman Re: NW+IOP Presentation 178. May 9 Kriston J. Rehberg Re: O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 179. May 9 Sune Stjerneby Re: *sigh* Anyone else see this article? 180. May 9 Sune Stjerneby Re: *sigh* Anyone else see this article?
181. May 9 Remy NONNENMACHER Re: *sigh* Anyone else see this article? 182. May 9 Amancio Hasty Advocay: Pro Choice Tax! 183. May 9 Amancio Hasty ?? 184. May 9 Don Wilde Re: *sigh* Anyone else see this article? 185. May 9 Don Wilde Re: Advocay: Pro Choice Tax! 186. May 9 Don Wilde Re: *sigh* Anyone else see this article? 187. May 9 Don Wilde Re: NW+IOP Presentation 188. May 9 Don Wilde chain letter proposal 189. May 9 Don Wilde Re: O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 190. May 9 Don Wilde Re: O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 191. May 9 Don Wilde Re: O'Reilly prints FreeBSD book (WAS: Re: Oracle 7 on FreeBSD) 192. May 9 Amancio Hasty Re: Advocay: Pro Choice Tax! 193. May 9 Garance A Drosihn Re: *sigh* Anyone else see this article? 194. May 9 Amancio Hasty Re: *sigh* Anyone else see this article? 195. May 9 Amancio Hasty Target: Corel 196. May 9 Jan B. Koum Re: InfoBeads: Linux #2 ISP OS.. 197. May 9 The Classiest Man Alive Linux as a Mozilla total reference platform 198. May 9 Jason C. Wells Re: chain letter proposal 199. May 9 John Birrell Re: Linux as a Mozilla total reference platform 200. May 9 Jason Nordwick Re: Linux as a Mozilla total reference platform
201. May 9 Amancio Hasty Re: Linux as a Mozilla total reference platform 202. May 9 David Greenman Re: chain letter proposal 203. May 9 Jason Nordwick Re: Linux as a Mozilla total reference platform 204. May 9 Greg Lehey Re: chain letter proposal 205. May 9 David Greenman Re: chain letter proposal 206. May 9 Amancio Hasty Re: Linux as a Mozilla total reference platform 207. May 9 Open Systems Networking Re: Linux as a Mozilla total reference platform 208. May 9 Matthew D. Fuller Re: Linux as a Mozilla total reference platform 209. May 9 Brian Behlendorf Re: chain letter proposal 210. May 9 The Classiest Man Alive Re: Linux as a Mozilla total reference platform 211. May 9 Amancio Hasty Re: Linux as a Mozilla total reference platform 212. May 9 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: InfoBeads: Linux #2 ISP OS..

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