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Messages: 104, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:12:55 2023

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  1. May 17 Don Wilde                  Re: On the subject of O'Reilly FreeBSD books...
  2. May 18 mika ruohotie              Re: A lot of idea --- Coordination
  3. May 18 Atipa                      Why we should support Microsoft...
  4. May 18 Sue Blake                  Re: Why we should support Microsoft...
  5. May 18 Frank Pawlak               Re: ISP Marketing Statistics
  6. May 18 Open Systems Networking    Re: Why we should support Microsoft...
  7. May 18 David Greenman             Re: ISP Marketing Statistics
  8. May 18 Frank Pawlak               Re: ISP Marketing Statistics
  9. May 18 Brett Taylor               screenshots updated
 10. May 18 Jordan K. Hubbard          Re: Why we should support Microsoft...
 11. May 18 Jay Nelson                 Re: Why we should support Microsoft...
 12. May 18 Jordan K. Hubbard          Re: ISP Marketing Statistics
 13. May 18 Amancio Hasty              Re: Why we should support Microsoft...
 14. May 18 Jordan K. Hubbard          Re: Why we should support Microsoft...
 15. May 18 Malartre                   Re: Why we should support Microsoft...
 16. May 18 Joe \"Marcus\" Clarke      Re: Why we should support Microsoft...
 17. May 18 Jason Nordwick             Why slashdot does not post BSD articles.
 18. May 18 Malartre                   [Fwd: FreeBSD Logo - Français]
 19. May 19 Garance A Drosihn          Perhaps advocacy should be called something else
 20. May 19 Adam Turoff                Petreley's May NC editorial

21. May 19 Amancio Hasty Re: Why we should support Microsoft... 22. May 19 Brett Taylor Re: Why we should support Microsoft... 23. May 19 Jordan K. Hubbard Interesting... I didn't even know about this. 24. May 19 Jonathan M. Bresler" <jmb> Re: Why we should support Microsoft... 25. May 19 Stefanos Kiakas Re: Why we should support Microsoft... 26. May 19 Brett Taylor Re: Why slashdot does not post BSD articles. 27. May 19 Adrian Filipi-Martin Re: Why we should support Microsoft... 28. May 19 Kriston J. Rehberg Re: Why we should support Microsoft... 29. May 19 Jan B. Koum .sig idea (WAS: Why we should support Microsoft...) 30. May 20 Adrian Filipi-Martin Re: Interesting... I didn't even know about this. 31. May 21 Frank Pawlak Re: Corel Embraces Open Source 32. May 21 Phillip Salzman A website. 33. May 21 Malartre Re: A website. 34. May 21 Frank Pawlak FreeBSD A Solution For Business 35. May 21 Don Wilde Re: A website. 36. May 21 Wes Peters Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 37. May 22 Jason Nordwick Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 38. May 22 Jack Velte Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 39. May 22 Jack Velte Why we should not support Microsoft. 40. May 22 Nicole Re: Yahoo!
41. May 22 Nicole Gigabit FreeBSD 42. May 22 Nicole Re: A website. 43. May 22 Nicole RE: A website. 44. May 22 Anthony C. Chavez FreeBSD, Inc. stock 45. May 22 Gary Kline Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 46. May 22 Tim Vanderhoek Re: Why we should not support Microsoft. 47. May 22 Billy Thompson Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 48. May 22 Frank Pawlak UNIX Review 49. May 22 Don Wilde Re: A website. 50. May 22 Gary Kline Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 51. May 22 Justin T. Gibbs Re: Why we should not support Microsoft. 52. May 22 Jason Re: Why we should not support Microsoft. 53. May 22 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: Why we should not support Microsoft. 54. May 22 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: FreeBSD, Inc. stock 55. May 22 Malartre First Step 56. May 22 Cy Schubert - ITSD Open Sy Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 57. May 22 Ben Cohen Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 58. May 22 Malartre Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 59. May 22 David Greenman Re: Gigabit FreeBSD 60. May 22 Brandon Huey Re: Gigabit FreeBSD
61. May 22 David Greenman Re: Gigabit FreeBSD 62. May 22 Jack Velte Re: Why we should not support Microsoft. 63. May 22 Jack Velte Re: Why we should not support Microsoft. 64. May 22 Jack Velte Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 65. May 22 Jack Velte Re: Why we should not support Microsoft. 66. May 22 Don Morrison Re: Gigabit FreeBSD 67. May 22 Tim Vanderhoek Re: Why we should not support Microsoft. 68. May 22 Jack Velte none 69. May 22 John Birrell Re: your mail 70. May 22 Jack Velte Re: Why we should not support Microsoft. 71. May 22 Jack Velte Re: Why we should not support Microsoft. 72. May 22 Jack Velte Re: your mail 73. May 22 Nicholas Charles Brawn Re: Why we should not support Microsoft. 74. May 22 Mark Diekhans Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 75. May 22 Kriston J. Rehberg Re: Why we should not support Microsoft. 76. May 22 Kriston J. Rehberg Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 77. May 22 Mark Diekhans Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 78. May 22 Nicole Re: Gigabit FreeBSD 79. May 23 Malartre 80. May 23 Greg Lehey Re: Gigabit FreeBSD
81. May 23 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: Why we should not support Microsoft. 82. May 23 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: Why we should not support Microsoft. 83. May 23 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 84. May 23 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: Why we should not support Microsoft. 85. May 23 Jack Velte none 86. May 23 Phillip Salzman RE: A website. 87. May 23 Mark Diekhans Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 88. May 23 Eivind Eklund Re: Why we should not support Microsoft. 89. May 23 Tim Vanderhoek Re: Why we should not support Microsoft. 90. May 23 Sue Blake Re: 91. May 23 Nicole RE: 92. May 23 Nicole Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 93. May 23 Amancio Hasty Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 94. May 23 Josef Grosch Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 95. May 23 Adrian Filipi-Martin Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 96. May 23 Lars Gerhard Kuehl Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 97. May 23 Joey Garcia Re: 98. May 23 John T. Farmer Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 99. May 23 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 100. May 23 Malartre Re:
101. May 23 Greg Lehey Re: 102. May 23 Kriston J. Rehberg Re: FreeBSD A Solution For Business 103. May 23 Jason Nordwick Newsletter #2 104. May 23 Sue Blake Re:

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