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Messages: 298, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:14:45 2023

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  1. Apr 12 David Greenman             Re: Rhapsody and FreeBSD
  2. Apr 12 Nadav Eiron                Re: Fw: Your Article "Freeware: The Heart & Soul of the Internet"
  3. Apr 12 John S. Dyson              Re: Fw: Your Article "Freeware: The Heart & Soul of the Internet"
  4. Apr 12 Nadav Eiron                Re: Fw: Your Article "Freeware: The Heart & Soul of the Internet"
  5. Apr 12 Brett Glass                Re: Fw: Your Article "Freeware: The Heart & Soul of the Internet"
  6. Apr 12 Nadav Eiron                Re: Fw: Your Article "Freeware: The Heart & Soul of the  Internet"
  7. Apr 12 Jordan K. Hubbard          Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action.
  8. Apr 12 Jason C. Wells             Re: "Freeware: The Heart & Soul of the Internet" (moved to   chat)
  9. Apr 12 Paul Griffith              SCO, Linux
 10. Apr 12 Frank Pawlak               Re: "Freeware: The Heart & Soul of the Internet" (moved to   chat)
 11. Apr 12 Bob Willcox                Re: Mozilla CVS repository, OK give it a shot. -- FAILING for me!
 12. Apr 12 Edwin Culp                 none
 13. Apr 12 Amancio Hasty              Re: Mozilla CVS repository, OK give it a shot. -- FAILING for me!
 14. Apr 12 Jason C. Wells             Re: your mail
 15. Apr 12 Tommy Hallgren             hungry
 16. Apr 12 Amancio Hasty              Re: hungry
 17. Apr 12 Mark Mayo                  Re: hungry
 18. Apr 12 Riley J. McIntire          Re: SPAM: Commercial support for FreeBSD
 19. Apr 12 John Birrell               Re: SPAM: Commercial support for FreeBSD
 20. Apr 12 Sean Harding               Re: SPAM: Commercial support for FreeBSD

21. Apr 12 Riley J. McIntire Re: SPAM: Commercial support for FreeBSD 22. Apr 12 Greg Lehey Re: SPAM: Commercial support for FreeBSD 23. Apr 12 Frank Pawlak Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action. 24. Apr 12 Sue Blake Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action. 25. Apr 12 John Kenagy Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action. 26. Apr 12 Frank Pawlak Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action. 27. Apr 12 Frank Pawlak Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action. 28. Apr 12 Brett Glass New name? 29. Apr 12 John Kenagy Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action. 30. Apr 12 Greg Lehey Re: New name? 31. Apr 12 Josef Grosch Re: New name? 32. Apr 12 Don Wilde Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action. 33. Apr 12 Brett Glass Re: New name? 34. Apr 12 Sean Eric Fagan Re: New name? 35. Apr 12 Brett Glass Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action. 36. Apr 12 Kris Kirby Re: New name? 37. Apr 12 Brett Glass Re: New name? 38. Apr 12 Don Wilde Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action. 39. Apr 12 Mark Mayo Re: New name? 40. Apr 12 Brett Glass Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action.
41. Apr 12 Frank Pawlak Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action. 42. Apr 12 Kris Kirby Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action. 43. Apr 12 Frank Pawlak Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action. 44. Apr 12 Amancio Hasty Re: New name? 45. Apr 12 Amancio Hasty Re: New name? 46. Apr 12 Brett Glass Re: New name? 47. Apr 12 Frank Pawlak Re: New name? 48. Apr 12 Jason C. Wells Re: New name? 49. Apr 12 Amancio Hasty Re: New name? 50. Apr 12 Greg Lehey BSD copyrights 51. Apr 12 Kris Kirby Re: New name? 52. Apr 13 David Greenman Re: New name? 53. Apr 13 Andrew Perry Re: New name? 54. Apr 13 David Greenman Re: New name? 55. Apr 13 David Greenman Re: BSD copyrights 56. Apr 13 David Greenman Re: New name? 57. Apr 13 Greg Lehey Re: New name? 58. Apr 13 Robert Nordier Re: BSD copyrights 59. Apr 13 David Greenman Re: BSD copyrights 60. Apr 13 Don Wilde Re: New name?
61. Apr 13 Neil Ludban Re: New name? 62. Apr 13 Don Wilde Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action. 63. Apr 13 James Raynard It's the economy, stupid! (Was: Re: New name?) 64. Apr 13 Justin T. Gibbs Re: Fw: Your Article "Freeware: The Heart & Soul of the Internet" 65. Apr 13 Ruslan Shevchenko Re: It's the economy, stupid! (Was: Re: New name?) 66. Apr 13 Sue Blake Re: It's the economy, stupid! (Was: Re: New name?) 67. Apr 13 Josef Grosch Re: It's the economy, stupid! (Was: Re: New name?) 68. Apr 13 Open Systems Networking Re: It's the economy, stupid! (Was: Re: New name?) 69. Apr 13 Amancio Hasty Re: Fw: Your Article "Freeware: The Heart & Soul of the Internet" 70. Apr 13 Brett Glass Re: New name? 71. Apr 13 Brett Glass Re: BSD copyrights 72. Apr 13 Brett Glass Re: New name? 73. Apr 13 Brett Glass Re: New name? 74. Apr 13 Wes Peters Re: Open Source Products 75. Apr 13 Sean Kelly Re: New name? 76. Apr 13 Adrian T. Filipi-Martin Re: BSD copyrights 77. Apr 13 Mikhail A. Sokolov Re: New name? 78. Apr 13 Brett Glass Re: New name? 79. Apr 13 Mikhail A. Sokolov Re: New name? 80. Apr 13 Bill/Carolyn Pechter Re: New name?
81. Apr 13 Snob Art Genre Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action. 82. Apr 13 Mike Smith Re: Misspelling in lib/libutil/login_cap.3 [w/ patch] 83. Apr 13 Wes Peters Re: Open Source Products 84. Apr 13 Pedro F. Giffuni Re: New name? 85. Apr 13 Pedro F. Giffuni Re: New name? 86. Apr 13 Frank Pawlak Project FreeBSD 98 87. Apr 13 Eivind Eklund Re: 'baby food' promotion 88. Apr 13 David Greenman Re: BSD copyrights 89. Apr 13 Rick C. Petty Linus Torvlads... Man of the century? (fwd) 90. Apr 13 David Greenman Re: New name? 91. Apr 13 Frank Pawlak Re: Project FreeBSD 98 92. Apr 13 Don Wilde Freeware Summit 93. Apr 13 Greg Lehey Success! (was: Installing and Running FreeBSD) 94. Apr 13 Jason Ish Re: New name? 95. Apr 13 Eivind Eklund Re: New name? 96. Apr 13 Sue Blake Re: Project FreeBSD 98 97. Apr 13 Doug White Re: Sound on DK440LX? 98. Apr 13 Greg Lehey Re: Linus Torvlads... Man of the century? (fwd) 99. Apr 13 David Shanes Geez -- Linux, Linux everywhere... 100. Apr 13 Das Devaraj Re: New name?
101. Apr 13 Sean Harding Re: Geez -- Linux, Linux everywhere... 102. Apr 13 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: Freeware Summit 103. Apr 13 Greg Lehey Re: It's the economy, stupid! (Was: Re: New name?) 104. Apr 13 Frank Pawlak Re: Project FreeBSD 98 105. Apr 13 Eric S. Raymond Re: Open Source Products 106. Apr 13 Dan Janowski Re: New name? 107. Apr 13 Re: Geez -- Linux, Linux everywhere... 108. Apr 13 Frank Pawlak Re: Open Source Products 109. Apr 13 Wes Peters Re: Open Source Products 110. Apr 13 Re: New name? 111. Apr 13 David Shanes Re: Geez -- Linux, Linux everywhere... 112. Apr 13 Matthew D. Fuller Snarfnix (was Re: New name?) 113. Apr 13 David Greenman Re: Open Source Products 114. Apr 13 Re: New name? 115. Apr 13 Lee Cremeans Re: New name? 116. Apr 13 Re: Snarfnix (was Re: New name?) 117. Apr 13 Matthew D. Fuller Re: Project FreeBSD 98 118. Apr 13 Mark Mayo Contact Datbases - Re: Project FreeBSD 98 119. Apr 13 Tim Vanderhoek Re: Open Source Products 120. Apr 13 Eric S. Raymond Re: Open Source Products
121. Apr 13 Studded Nan Yang (Was: Re: It's the economy, stupid! (Was: Re: New name?)) 122. Apr 13 Das Devaraj What else goes with it (was Re: New name?) 123. Apr 13 David Kelly Re: Geez -- Linux, Linux everywhere... 124. Apr 13 Studded Re: Project FreeBSD 98 125. Apr 13 Frank Pawlak Re: Contact Datbases - Re: Project FreeBSD 98 126. Apr 13 Matthew Hunt Re: Open Source Products 127. Apr 13 Mark Mayo Re: Open Source Products 128. Apr 13 Frank Pawlak Re: Project FreeBSD 98 129. Apr 13 Anatoly Vorobey Re: Open Source Products 130. Apr 13 Eric S. Raymond Re: Open Source Products 131. Apr 13 Jason C. Wells Repost the man of the century URL 132. Apr 13 Dan Janowski Re: What else goes with it (was Re: New name?) 133. Apr 13 Joey Garcia Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action. 134. Apr 13 Joey Garcia Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action. 135. Apr 13 Greg Lehey Democracy? (was: Project FreeBSD 98) 136. Apr 13 Joel Ray Holveck Re: New name? 137. Apr 13 Anatoly Vorobey Re: Open Source Products 138. Apr 13 Alex From the fortunes file... 139. Apr 13 Mark Mayo Re: Open Source Products 140. Apr 13 Tim Vanderhoek Re: Spelling etc.
141. Apr 13 Josef Grosch Re: Democracy? (was: Project FreeBSD 98) 142. Apr 13 Greg Lehey Re: Open Source Products 143. Apr 13 Greg Lehey Re: Open Source Products 144. Apr 13 Frank Pawlak Re: Democracy? (was: Project FreeBSD 98) 145. Apr 13 Greg Lehey Re: Democracy? (was: Project FreeBSD 98) 146. Apr 13 Lee Cremeans Re: Open Source Products 147. Apr 13 Eric S. Raymond Re: Open Source Products 148. Apr 13 David Greenman Re: Open Source Products 149. Apr 13 Mark Mayo Re: Open Source Products 150. Apr 13 Mark Mayo Re: Open Source Products 151. Apr 13 Josef Grosch Re: Open Source Products 152. Apr 13 Greg Lehey Re: Open Source Products 153. Apr 14 Josef Grosch Re: Open Source Products 154. Apr 14 Don Wilde Re: Open Source Products 155. Apr 14 Tim Vanderhoek Re: Open Source Products 156. Apr 14 Don Wilde Re: Open Source Products 157. Apr 14 Frank Pawlak Re: Open Source Products 158. Apr 14 Mikhail A. Sokolov [Russian mirror] FreeBSD Mozilla. 159. Apr 14 John Kelly Re: Geez -- Linux, Linux everywhere... 160. Apr 14 John Kelly Re: Open Source Products
161. Apr 14 Kris Kirby Re: Geez -- Linux, Linux everywhere... 162. Apr 14 Rick C. Petty Re: Repost the man of the century URL 163. Apr 14 Marco Molteni Re: Success! (was: Installing and Running FreeBSD) 164. Apr 14 Jonathan M. Bresler" <jmb> Re: Open Source Products 165. Apr 14 Eivind Eklund Re: Project FreeBSD 98 166. Apr 14 Jonathan M. Bresler" <jmb> FreeBSD in NC World 167. Apr 14 Mike Re: Project FreeBSD 98 168. Apr 14 Don Wilde Re: Project FreeBSD 98 169. Apr 14 Don Wilde Re: Repost the man of the century URL 170. Apr 14 Wes Peters Re: Open Source Products 171. Apr 14 Stuart Henderson Re: New name? 172. Apr 14 Eivind Eklund Re: the place of vi 173. Apr 14 Frank Pawlak Re: Success! (was: Installing and Running FreeBSD) 174. Apr 14 Frank Pawlak Re: Project FreeBSD 98 175. Apr 14 Steven Plite Re: New name? 176. Apr 14 Frank Pawlak Re: Open Source Products 177. Apr 14 David Shanes Re: Open Source Products 178. Apr 14 Dan Janowski Re: New name? 179. Apr 14 Lee Cremeans Re: New name? 180. Apr 14 Greg Lehey Re: Success! (was: Installing and Running FreeBSD)
181. Apr 14 KapuT Re: Promoting FreeBSD - the user's piece of the action. 182. Apr 14 Don Wilde trickle is flooding 183. Apr 14 Brett Glass Re: Geez -- Linux, Linux everywhere... 184. Apr 14 Guy Helmer Security Features of FreeBSD article 185. Apr 14 York Hill Foods Re: New name? 186. Apr 14 Das Devaraj Re: What else goes with it (was Re: New name?) 187. Apr 14 Matthew D. Fuller asbestos suited static vi 188. Apr 14 Greg Lehey More FreeBSD users 189. Apr 14 Paul Griffith Re: trickle is flooding 190. Apr 14 Luke H. Re: asbestos suited static vi 191. Apr 14 Greg Lehey Re: Open Source Products 192. Apr 14 Jason C. Wells The Power of Positive Thinking 193. Apr 14 York Hill Foods Re: The Power of Positive Thinking 194. Apr 14 Chuck Robey Re: asbestos suited static vi 195. Apr 14 Matthew D. Fuller Re: asbestos suited static vi 196. Apr 14 Frank Pawlak Re: The Power of Positive Thinking 197. Apr 14 John Birrell Re: More FreeBSD users 198. Apr 14 Matthew D. Fuller Re: asbestos suited static vi 199. Apr 14 John Kenagy Re: What else goes with it (was Re: New name?) 200. Apr 14 Nicholas Charles Brawn Re: The Power of Positive Thinking
201. Apr 14 Dan Janowski Re: What else goes with it (was Re: New name?) 202. Apr 14 Greg Lehey Re: More FreeBSD users 203. Apr 14 Mike Re: What else goes with it (was Re: New name?) 204. Apr 14 Chuck Robey Re: asbestos suited static vi 205. Apr 14 Frank Pawlak Re: What else goes with it (was Re: New name?) 206. Apr 14 Adrian Wontroba Re: the place of vi 207. Apr 14 Jason C. Wells Re: The Power of Positive Thinking 208. Apr 14 Jason C. Wells Re: What else goes with it (was Re: New name?) 209. Apr 14 Frank Pawlak Project FreeBSD 98 210. Apr 14 Ralf S. Engelschall Re: trickle is flooding 211. Apr 15 Bart Smit FW: lotus linux list 212. Apr 15 Amancio Hasty Re: New name? 213. Apr 15 Eivind Eklund Re: asbestos suited static vi 214. Apr 15 Luke H. Re: asbestos suited static vi 215. Apr 15 Andreas Klemm Re: asbestos suited static vi 216. Apr 15 John Kenagy Re: Open Source Products 217. Apr 15 Paulo Ricardo Trainini table is full (ajude-me por favor) 218. Apr 15 Open Systems Networking Digital Video Magazine blurb about FreeBSD 219. Apr 15 Bill/Carolyn Pechter Re: New name? 220. Apr 15 Dan Janowski Side by side...
221. Apr 15 Matthew N. Dodd Re: table is full (ajude-me por favor) 222. Apr 15 dannyman Re: Side by side... 223. Apr 15 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: Side by side... 224. Apr 15 Don Wilde Re: trickle is flooding 225. Apr 15 dannyman Article: `The new Unix alters NT's orbit' 226. Apr 15 Brett Glass Re: Side by side... 227. Apr 15 Brett Glass Re: New name? 228. Apr 15 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: Side by side... 229. Apr 15 Brett Glass Noodnix 230. Apr 15 David Shanes Re: Promotion Ideas 231. Apr 15 Nicholas Petreley Re: Article: `The new Unix alters NT's orbit' 232. Apr 15 dannyman Re: Article: `The new Unix alters NT's orbit' 233. Apr 15 Justin T. Gibbs FreeBSD in the press section on 234. Apr 15 Ruslan Shevchenko Re: Promotion Ideas 235. Apr 15 Mark Mayo Re: FreeBSD in the press section on 236. Apr 15 Amancio Hasty Re: FreeBSD in the press section on 237. Apr 15 David Shanes Re: Linux as an alternative to Microsoft 238. Apr 15 dannyman Re: FreeBSD in the press section on 239. Apr 15 David Kelly Bunny Suits (was: asbestos suited static vi) 240. Apr 15 Matthew D. Fuller Re: Noodnix
241. Apr 15 Matthew D. Fuller Re: asbestos suited static vi 242. Apr 15 Matthew D. Fuller Re: asbestos suited static vi 243. Apr 15 Brett Glass Re: New name? 244. Apr 15 Chuck Robey Re: asbestos suited static vi 245. Apr 15 Greg Lehey Re: the place of vi 246. Apr 15 Greg Lehey Re: Side by side... 247. Apr 16 Mikael Karpberg Re: how to add new system calls... 248. Apr 16 Greg Lehey Re: Digitally Signed Messages (Re: HEADS UP: CAM cutover in two weeks.) 249. Apr 16 Doug Lo FS advocacy. 250. Apr 16 Jason C. Wells Re: Digitally Signed Messages (Re: HEADS UP: CAM cutover in two weeks.) 251. Apr 16 Brett Glass Re: FS advocacy. 252. Apr 16 Marino Ladavac Re: FS advocacy. 253. Apr 16 Don Wilde somebody want to snoop 254. Apr 16 Mark Mayo Re: somebody want to snoop 255. Apr 16 Annelise Anderson NSA's Operation Eligible Receiver 256. Apr 16 David Kelly What is your operating system of choice? 257. Apr 16 dannyman Re: What is your operating system of choice? 258. Apr 16 Greg Lehey Re: Digitally Signed Messages (Re: HEADS UP: CAM cutover in two wee ks.) 259. Apr 16 Doug Lo subscribe 260. Apr 16 Re: the place of vi
261. Apr 17 Sue Blake Re: the place of vi 262. Apr 17 Makoto Sadakane chat 263. Apr 17 Open Systems Networking Netscape 4.05 test 264. Apr 17 Mike Smith Re: cvs commit: CVSROOT avail 265. Apr 17 Brett Glass No mention of FreeBSD on major radio show 266. Apr 17 dannyman test 267. Apr 17 dannyman test 268. Apr 17 dannyman test 269. Apr 17 dannyman test 270. Apr 17 dannyman test 271. Apr 17 dannyman test 272. Apr 17 dannyman test 273. Apr 17 Brett Glass Re: Repost the man of the century URL 274. Apr 17 Mike Smith Re: cvs commit: src/sys/dev/dpt dpt_control.c src/sys/gnu/ext2fs... 275. Apr 18 Anatoly Vorobey Re: Spelling etc. 276. Apr 18 Andreas Klemm size of the ports collection (was Re: cvs commit: ports INDEX) 277. Apr 18 Anatoly Vorobey Re: Spelling etc. 278. Apr 18 Eivind Eklund Re: cvs commit: src/sys/dev/dpt dpt_control.c src/sys/gnu/ext2fs... 279. Apr 18 Don Wilde Re: size of the ports collection 280. Apr 18 dannyman Re: test
281. Apr 18 Wilko Bulte makes you wonder... 282. Apr 18 Don Wilde Re: makes you wonder... 283. Apr 18 dannyman Re: size of the ports collection 284. Apr 18 dannyman Re: makes you wonder... 285. Apr 18 Tim Vanderhoek Re: Correct English style 286. Apr 18 Josh Gilliam Re: test 287. Apr 18 dannyman Re: test and re-apology 288. Apr 18 Jason C. Wells -advocacy 289. Apr 18 Jason Re: Correct English style 290. Apr 18 James Raynard Re: makes you wonder... 291. Apr 18 Anatoly Vorobey Re: Correct English style 292. Apr 18 Malartre Re: -advocacy 293. Apr 18 Malartre #freebsd-newbies on effnet. 294. Apr 18 Joey Garcia Re: #freebsd-newbies on effnet. 295. Apr 18 Malartre Re: #freebsd-newbies on effnet. 296. Apr 18 Don Wilde Re: makes you wonder... 297. Apr 18 Christopher Mark Conn Re: makes you wonder... 298. Apr 18 Jason C. Wells Re: makes you wonder...

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