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Messages: 22, new messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:16:48 2023

home | archive sorted by: subject | author | date | reverse date
  1. Feb 16 Eric A. Sproul             Re: mysterious lock-ups
  2. Feb 16 Corris Randall             Dell 2450/ PERC 3/si
  3. Feb 16 Darren Shepard             Re: mysterious lock-ups
  4. Feb 16 Eric A. Sproul             mysterious lock-ups
  5. Feb 15 Michael Bretterklieber     Athlon TB 700 w. Asus K7M vs. FreeBSD (2nd try)
  6. Feb 15 Brandon DeYoung            FreeBSD and 4GB RAM
  7. Feb 14 Dmitry Diky                RE: i815
  8. Feb 14 Jose M. Alcaide            FreeBSD 4.2-STABLE and Athlon 1.2GHz/DDR266 memory
  9. Feb 14 Alexander Motin            i815
 10. Feb 14 Thierry Herbelot           Re: Motherboard Dual
 11. Feb 14 Randy Bush                 RE: Motherboard Dual
 12. Feb 14 Koster, K.J.               RE: Motherboard Dual
 13. Feb 14 Randy Bush                 Re: Motherboard Dual
 14. Feb 14 e-Publisher's Weekly       e-Publisher's Weekly #4
 15. Feb 13 Thompson, Scott            RE: Motherboard Dual
 16. Feb 13 Olivier Nicole             Re: Motherboard Dual
 17. Feb 13 Mike Smith                 Re: Ultra160 SCSI Controller Support
 18. Feb 13 Steven Davidson            Re: Ultra160 SCSI Controller Support
 19. Feb 13          Re: Motherboard Dual
 20. Feb 13 Paulo Fragoso              Motherboard Dual

21. Feb 13 Chris Shenton Re: scanner suggestions? 22. Feb 12 Mike Nowlin scanner suggestions?

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