Messages: 11, new messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:17:35 2023
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1. May 25 Brian Somers Re: ISDN, ppp problem solved :) 2. May 25 Nicolas Souchu Re: Provider's LCP requests :( 3. May 25 Poul-Henning Kamp Re: AVM B1/T1 support available in FreeBSD's isdn4bsd 4. May 25 Hellmuth Michaelis AVM B1/T1 support available in FreeBSD's isdn4bsd 5. May 24 Eduardo Huertas ISDN, ppp problem solved :) 6. May 21 Benedikt Schmidt Re: answering machine 7. May 21 Simon Putz answering machine 8. May 21 Hellmuth Michaelis Re: Using the D-Channel 9. May 21 Steve_ Using the D-Channel 10. May 20 Gary Jennejohn Re: Provider's LCP requests :( 11. May 20 Gary Jennejohn Re: Provider's LCP requests :(
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