Messages: 13, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:17:37 2023
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1. May 26 Arvid Elstrodt FreeBSD 4.6 RC2, Dynalink IS64PH ISA PnP card: "Can't assign resources" ?? 2. May 27 Gary Jennejohn Re: FreeBSD 4.6 RC2, Dynalink IS64PH ISA PnP card: "Can't assign resources" ?? 3. May 27 Arvid Elstrodt Re: FreeBSD 4.6 RC2, Dynalink IS64PH ISA PnP card: "Can't assign resources" ?? 4. May 27 Hellmuth Michaelis Re: FreeBSD 4.6 RC2, Dynalink IS64PH ISA PnP card: "Can't assign resources" ?? 5. May 27 Arvid Elstrodt Re: FreeBSD 4.6 RC2, Dynalink IS64PH ISA PnP card: "Can't assign resources" ?? 6. May 27 Hellmuth Michaelis Re: FreeBSD 4.6 RC2, Dynalink IS64PH ISA PnP card: "Can't assign resources" ?? 7. May 27 Arvid Elstrodt Re: FreeBSD 4.6 RC2, Dynalink IS64PH ISA PnP card: "Can't assign resources" ?? 8. May 28 Eric Dahan Make error with ELSA Microlink ISDN PCI 9. May 28 Eric Dahan Make error with ELSA Microlink ISDN PCI 10. May 29 Eric Masson Re: Make error with ELSA Microlink ISDN PCI 11. May 29 Eric Dahan Re: Make error with ELSA Microlink ISDN PCI 12. May 29 M Bergman Howto connect to the internet. (I'm building a isdn router an need some help) 13. May 30 M Bergman FW: Howto connect to the internet. (I'm building a isdn router an need some help)
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