Messages: 31, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:26:30 2023
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1. May 19 Marietta Keep your resolution, get ready for a great summer 2. May 19 freebsd-www@FreeBSD.ORG Çѹ¹Õé¤Ø³ÃÙéÊÖ¡ÍÂèÒ§äà 19/5/2002 16:56:47 3. May 19 linuxdevices-request@linux Please Reply - linuxdevices s051917093914701 4. May 19 sales@customerblast.com 30,000 Unique Visitors Only $99.95 5. May 19 sales@customerblast.com 30,000 Unique visitors And 30,000 Banner displays Only $99.95 6. May 19 Wouter Van Hemel www/38316: [PATCH] Supposably wrong email address 7. May 19 <kuriyama@FreeBSD.org> Re: www/38316: [PATCH] Supposably wrong email address 8. May 20 Cron Daemon Cron <www@nwww> /usr/local/www/bin/cvsup-mirror 9. May 20 alter@isc.tsu.ru http://people%2efreebsd%2eorg/%7efaulkner/multimedia/mm%2ehtml 10. May 20 The Samaritans, Mumbai, Document not found - http://www.freebsd.org/What 11. May 21 postmaster@dnetetrn.d-n-a. MDaemon Warning - Virus Found 12. May 21 Guillaume Jacques Error 404 (http://www.ca.freebsd.org/articles/multi-os/index.html) 13. May 21 Ceri Davies Re: Error 404 (http://www.ca.freebsd.org/articles/multi-os/index.html) 14. May 21 Mercury NAV detected a virus in a document YOU sent to jmoreland@mercury.nctimes.com. 15. May 21 ¤p¥É ½Ð¤j®aÅTÀ³2002ª¯ª¯¤£¬y®ö¡I(((¤½¯q°T®§½ÐÂà±H...))) 16. May 22 Kris Kennaway [phantom@FreeBSD.org: cvs commit: www/en/ports Makefile ports.inc www/en/ports/growth Makefile] 17. May 22 Jun Kuriyama Re: [phantom@FreeBSD.org: cvs commit: www/en/ports Makefile ports.inc www/en/ports/growth Makefile] 18. May 23 Markets.Ru admin èÏÓÔÉÎÇ É ÒÅÇÉÓÔÒÁÃÉÑ ÄÏÍÅÎÏ×. 19. May 23 lisa^_^ µ¹¤k¥Íªº¦n±d...§¹¬ü¤k¤H¯S½æ·|(Âà±Hµ¹¤k¥ÍªB¤Í³á) 20. May 23 Alex Dupre www/38448: New cvsweb mirror in San Marino
21. May 23 richy §Ò¹ Part Time ÊÃéÒ§ÃÒÂä´é´Õ ãªéà·¤â¹âÅÂշӧҹ᷹¤Ø³ 22. May 23 <response@cybermiller.com> Resume: Mark Miller 23. May 24 Greg Troxel www/38500: gnats web form is overenthusiastic about turning bin/xxxx into an href 24. May 24 Cron Daemon Cron <www@nwww> /usr/local/www/bin/get-current-manpages; /usr/local/www/bin/get-stable-manpages 25. May 24 <john_c_keenom@dell.com> Make $100,000 a Month on eBay! 26. May 24 NAV for Microsoft Exchange Norton AntiVirus detected and quarantined a virus in a message yo u sent. 27. May 24 Majordomo-owner@GreatCircl Majordomo results: ÀÚ¸®ÀÔ´Ï´Ù 28. May 24 Makoto Matsushita Re: Cron <www@nwww> /usr/local/www/bin/get-current-manpages; /usr/local/www/bin/get-stable-manpages 29. May 25 Mark-Nathaniel Weisman New FreeBSD support in Anchorage Alaska. 30. May 25 List Manager =?koi8-r?B?6c7Gz9LNwcPJz87Oz8Ug0MnT2M3P?= 31. May 25 <bianca_poliz@twitchcity.c Huge Growth Curve
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