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Messages: 53, new messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:18:28 2023

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  1. Jun  7 David Yeske                Re: sendmail starts before rpc.statd and rpc.lockd
  2. Jun  7 David Yeske                sendmail starts before rpc.statd and rpc.lockd
  3. Jun  7 Petri Helenius             Re: 5.1-BETA em
  4. Jun  6 Conrad Sabatier            accf_{data,http} defaults?
  5. Jun  6 Barney Wolff               Re: Choices for security
  6. Jun  6 Mike Futerko               IPSec + gre
  7. Jun  6 Bjoern A. Zeeb             Request for documenting IPSec, NAT/divert, ipfw, ipfilter ... in kernel flow ?
  8. Jun  6 Kristian Rask              Choices for security
  9. Jun  6 Julian Elischer            Re: Does Netgraph in FBSD 5.x SMP requires GIANT lock?
 10. Jun  5 Vincent Jardin             Re: Does Netgraph in FBSD 5.x SMP requires GIANT lock?
 11. Jun  5 Julian Elischer            Re: Does Netgraph in FBSD 5.x SMP requires GIANT lock?
 12. Jun  5 Julian Elischer            Re: Does Netgraph in FBSD 5.x SMP requires GIANT lock?
 13. Jun  5 Michael Shiu               Re: Does Netgraph in FBSD 5.x SMP requires GIANT lock?
 14. Jun  5 Khoa To                    netgraph hook for iface node
 15. Jun  5 Mike Hoskins               Re: fxp0: device timeout | SCB already complete (me too)
 16. Jun  5 Shaun Jurrens              Re: fxp0: device timeout | SCB already complete (me too)
 17. Jun  5 Vincent Jardin             Re: Does Netgraph in FBSD 5.x SMP requires GIANT lock?
 18. Jun  5 Nate Lawson                Re: fxp0: device timeout | SCB already complete (me too)
 19. Jun  5 Justin T. Gibbs            Re: fxp0: device timeout | SCB already complete (me too)
 20. Jun  5 Damian Gerow               Re: polling in 5.1-RC1 causes 100% CPU usage

21. Jun 5 Julian Elischer Re: Does Netgraph in FBSD 5.x SMP requires GIANT lock? 22. Jun 5 Michael Shiu Does Netgraph in FBSD 5.x SMP requires GIANT lock? 23. Jun 5 Brad du Plessis Re: USB Modem support 24. Jun 5 Shaun Jurrens Re: fxp0: device timeout | SCB already complete (me too) 25. Jun 5 Harti Brandt Re: [netgraph] NGF_RESP 26. Jun 4 Damian Gerow polling in 5.1-RC1 causes 100% CPU usage 27. Jun 4 Vincent Jardin [netgraph] NGF_RESP 28. Jun 4 Palle Girgensohn Re: fxp0: device timeout | SCB already complete (me too) 29. Jun 4 Jason Hunt Re: Vacation? 30. Jun 4 Steve Francis Re: Gear for security (Shields up) 31. Jun 4 Bill Vermillion Re: help needed regarding named please 32. Jun 4 John Angelmo Vacation? 33. Jun 4 Matthew Emmerton Re: help needed regarding named please 34. Jun 4 Kristian Rask Gear for security (Shields up) 35. Jun 4 Dan Lukes Re: inconsistent downloading rate 36. Jun 3 Maxime Shatter help needed regarding named please 37. Jun 3 Shaun Jurrens fxp0: device timeout | SCB already complete (me too) 38. Jun 3 Marc Olzheim Re: about sys/proc.h 39. Jun 3 Palle Girgensohn fxp0: device timeout | SCB already complete. 40. Jun 3 Calvin Lien about sys/proc.h
41. Jun 3 Luigi Rizzo Re: Problem w. DDOS and ipfw (5.0-R) 42. Jun 3 Kristian Rask Problem w. DDOS and ipfw (5.0-R) 43. Jun 2 Mike Silbersack Re: Fw: Very weird network behaviour with 4.7-RELEASE-p10 (large) 44. Jun 2 =?iso-8859-1?q?zam?= inconsistent downloading rate 45. Jun 2 Chuck Swiger Re: ipfw and hostnames 46. Jun 2 Jeff Opie Intel PRO/1000 and BRIDGE 47. Jun 1 Petri Helenius Re: ipfw and hostnames 48. Jun 1 Andrew Gordon if_dc - ADMTek AN983B problem (solution) 49. Jun 1 Giovanni P. Tirloni Fw: Very weird network behaviour with 4.7-RELEASE-p10 (large) 50. Jun 1 Chuck Swiger Re: ipfw and hostnames 51. Jun 1 Petri Helenius Re: ipfw and hostnames 52. Jun 1 Chuck Swiger Re: ipfw and hostnames 53. Jun 1 Petri Helenius ipfw and hostnames

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