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Messages: 12, new messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:18:40 2023

home | archive sorted by: subject | author | date | reverse date
  1. Sep  4 Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S Re: OS and Hardware
  2. Sep  4 Doug Chartier              OS and Hardware
  3. Sep  3 Sue Blake                  FreeBSD Newbies FAK
  4. Sep  1 Ron Gallimore              Install with USB CDROM
  5. Aug 31 John Murphy                Re: init: not found in path...panic:no init
  6. Aug 31 oscar wicks                init: not found in path...panic:no init
  7. Aug 31 <yeweikeke-maillist@yahoo. How to play DTS CD and .APE in FreeBSD.
  8. Aug 30 Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S Re: Ports updates
  9. Aug 30 Tom Cook                   Re: Ports updates
 10. Aug 30 Harold de Bruijn           RE: Ports updates
 11. Aug 29 Stevan Tiefert             Ports updates
 12. Aug 29 Dan Langille               The FreeBSD Diary: 2004-08-08 - 2004-08-28

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