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Messages: 22, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:18:49 2023

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  1. Jan 16 mzk                        Ingress + outgress traffic shape
  2. Jan 17 johnc                      Looking for docs on installing pf with FreeBSD 5.2.1
  3. Jan 17 Claudiu Dragalina-Paraipan Re: Looking for docs on installing pf with FreeBSD 5.2.1
  4. Jan 17         Re: Looking for docs on installing pf with FreeBSD 5.2.1
  5. Jan 17 johnc                      Re: Looking for docs on installing pf with FreeBSD 5.2.1
  6. Jan 18 stheg olloydson            Re: Looking for docs on installing pf with FreeBSD 5.2.1
  7. Jan 18 Eric Masson                Re: pf & clonable devices
  8. Jan 18 Eric Masson                Re: pf & clonable devices
  9. Jan 18 Max Laier                  Re: pf & clonable devices
 10. Jan 18 Eric Masson                Re: pf & clonable devices
 11. Jan 18 Eric Masson                Re: pf & clonable devices
 12. Jan 18 Max Laier                  Re: pf & clonable devices
 13. Jan 19 Eric Masson                Re: pf & clonable devices
 14. Jan 21 Chris Dionissopoulos       PF+Bridge. A solution with ng_bridge.
 15. Jan 22 dave                       external connections give error 619
 16. Jan 22 Nick Buraglio              qtype not configured
 17. Jan 22 Max Laier                  Re: qtype not configured
 18. Jan 22 Jay                        [ Re: qtype not configured]
 19. Jan 22 Max Laier                  Re: external connections give error 619
 20. Jan 22 Scott Ullrich              IP Packet Length / ALTQ

21. Jan 22 Scott Ullrich IP Packet Length / ALTQ 22. Jan 22 Nick Buraglio Re: qtype not configured

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