Messages: 8, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:17:46 2023
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1. Apr 30 FreeBSD bugmaster Current problem reports assigned to you 2. May 2 Manfred Usselmann Compile problems with chan_capi and latest Asterisk port 3. May 3 Hans Petter Selasky Re: Compile problems with chan_capi and latest Asterisk port 4. May 3 Manfred Usselmann Re: Compile problems with chan_capi and latest Asterisk port 5. May 3 Hans Petter Selasky Re: Compile problems with chan_capi and latest Asterisk port 6. May 5 Hans Petter Selasky Re: [Asterisk-bsd] Asterisk on FreeBSD + Passive ISDN BRI 7. May 5 Hans Petter Selasky Re: [Asterisk-bsd] Asterisk on FreeBSD + Passive ISDN BRI 8. May 5 Hans Petter Selasky The new echo canceller is now default in ISDN4BSD SVN
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