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Messages: 47, new messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:17:10 2023

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  1. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [head tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
  2. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [head tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
  3. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [head tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
  4. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [head tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
  5. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [head tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
  6. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [head tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
  7. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [head tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
  8. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [head tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
  9. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [head tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
 10. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [head tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
 11. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [head tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
 12. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [head tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
 13. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [releng_7 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
 14. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [head tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
 15. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [head tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
 16. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [releng_7 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
 17. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [head tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
 18. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [head tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
 19. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [head tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
 20. May  3 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [head tinderbox] failure on i386/i386

21. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98 22. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on i386/i386 23. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98 24. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on i386/i386 25. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98 26. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on i386/i386 27. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98 28. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on i386/i386 29. May 2 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98 30. May 2 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on i386/i386 31. May 2 Re: kern/123330: [nsswitch] Enabling samba wins in nsswitch.conf causes sshd, ftpd, etc services to die 32. May 2 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98 33. May 2 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on i386/i386 34. May 2 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98 35. May 2 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on i386/i386 36. May 2 Shelby Cain i386/123330: Enabling samba wins in nsswitch.conf causes sshd, ftpd, etc services to die 37. May 1 Re: kern/122989: [swi] [panic] 6.3 kernel panic in swi1: net 38. Apr 29 Re: kern/123195: X11 DRI not working with Intel 865G integrated graphics 39. Apr 29 Re: kern/123200: Server failure due to netgraph mpd and dhcpclient 40. Apr 29 Basil i386/123200: Server failure due to netgraph mpd and dhcpclient
41. Apr 29 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98 42. Apr 29 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on i386/i386 43. Apr 29 Charles Neubauer i386/123195: X11 DRI not working with Intel 865G integrated graphics 44. Apr 28 FreeBSD bugmaster Current problem reports assigned to 45. Apr 28 Re: kern/123013: [vm] panic "Bad tailq NEXT(%p->tqh_last) != NULL" 46. Apr 28 Re: kern/123122: GEOM / gjournal kernel lock 47. Apr 27 mike durller i386/123122: GEOM / gjournal kernel lock

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