Messages: 14, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:15:09 2023
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1. May 3 Royce Williams FreeBSD participation and BSDCan advice? (was:contributing more) 2. May 3 Dan Langille Re: contributing more 3. May 5 Jason C. Wells End of Life is Meaningless 4. May 5 Mike Hernandez Re: End of Life is Meaningless 5. May 5 Oliver Fromme Re: End of Life is Meaningless 6. May 5 =?utf-8?Q?Dag-Erling_Sm=C3 Re: End of Life is Meaningless 7. May 5 Pete Ehlke Re: End of Life is Meaningless 8. May 5 Oliver Fromme Re: End of Life is Meaningless 9. May 5 Oliver Fromme Re: End of Life is Meaningless 10. May 5 spellberg_robert Re: End of Life is Meaningless 11. May 5 Paul Schenkeveld Re: End of Life is Meaningless 12. May 5 Xin LI Re: End of Life is Meaningless 13. May 5 Rick N RE: End of Life is Meaningless 14. May 5 Dan Langille BSDCan has started
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