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Messages: 23, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:17:41 2023

home | archive sorted by: subject | author | date | reverse date
  1. Aug  9 Danny Braniss              Re: request test drivers for iscsi_initiator 2.2.3
  2. Aug 10 Krassimir Slavchev         Help with device drivers
  3. Aug 10 Hans Petter Selasky        Re: Help with device drivers
  4. Aug 10 Brian Somers               Re: How to signal a time zone change?
  5. Aug 11 Michelle Li                device drivers (Krassimir Slavchev) REPLY  fd = open("/dev/xxx0", O_RDWR)
  6. Aug 11 Matthew Hagerty            Tracing Wake on Lan problem?
  7. Aug 11 Krassimir Slavchev         Re: Help with device drivers
  8. Aug 11 Hans Petter Selasky        Re: Help with device drivers
  9. Aug 11 Bob Bishop                 Re: Tracing Wake on Lan problem?
 10. Aug 11 Matthew Hagerty            Re: Tracing Wake on Lan problem?
 11. Aug 11 Vincent Hoffman            Re: Tracing Wake on Lan problem?
 12. Aug 11 Matthew Hagerty            Re: Tracing Wake on Lan problem?
 13. Aug 11 Matthew Hagerty            Re: Tracing Wake on Lan problem?
 14. Aug 11 Chris Ruiz                 Re: Tracing Wake on Lan problem?
 15. Aug 12 Vincent Hoffman            Re: Tracing Wake on Lan problem?
 16. Aug 12 Pyun YongHyeon             Re: Tracing Wake on Lan problem?
 17. Aug 13 Lionel Garth Jones         USENIX HotPar '10 Call For Papers Now Available
 18. Aug 14 bert wiley                 Need help trying to to use the ntohl() call with in_addr
 19. Aug 14 Max Laier                  Re: Need help trying to to use the ntohl() call with in_addr
 20. Aug 14 Bjoern A. Zeeb             Re: Need help trying to to use the ntohl() call with in_addr

21. Aug 14 Re: Re: Need help trying to to use the ntohl() call with in_addr 22. Aug 14 Andrey V. Elsukov Howto setup multiboot with GPT? 23. Aug 15 Oliver Pinter Re: Security: information leaks in /proc enable keystroke recovery

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