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Messages: 13, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:17:33 2023

home | archive sorted by: subject | author | date | reverse date
  1. Jul 27 FreeBSD bugmaster          Current problem reports assigned to
  2. Jul 27 Bjoern A. Zeeb             Re: 8.0 still allow creating ipv6 udp socket in jail without ipv6 ip
  3. Jul 28 Artis Caune                Jails on ZFS
  4. Jul 28 Alexander Petrovsky        Re: Jails on ZFS
  5. Jul 28 Artis Caune                Re: Jails on ZFS
  6. Jul 29 Mykola Dzham               Re: 8.0 still allow creating ipv6 udp socket in jail without ipv6 ip
  7. Jul 29 Bjoern A. Zeeb             Re: 8.0 still allow creating ipv6 udp socket in jail without ipv6 ip
  8. Jul 29 Jamie Gritton              Re: 8.0 still allow creating ipv6 udp socket in jail without ipv6 ip
  9. Jul 30 Mykola Dzham               Re: 8.0 still allow creating ipv6 udp socket in jail without ipv6 ip
 10. Jul 30 dfilter service            Re: kern/136899: commit references a PR
 11. Jul 30          Re: kern/136899: [jail] [lor] upd/jail LOR after reboot
 12. Jul 31 Nikos Vassiliadis          creating vimage with jail(8)?
 13. Jul 31 Nikos Vassiliadis          Re: creating vimage with jail(8)?

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