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Messages: 19, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:18:03 2023

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  1. Feb 22 Marcin M. Jessa            ***SPAM*** Registrars with free DynDNS services of my own domains.
  2. Feb 22 Chuck Swiger               Re: Registrars with free DynDNS services of my own domains.
  3. Feb 23 Doug Barton                Re: Registrars with free DynDNS services of my own domains.
  4. Feb 23 Chuck Swiger               Re: Registrars with free DynDNS services of my own domains.
  5. Feb 23 Marcin M. Jessa            Re: Registrars with free DynDNS services of my own domains.
  6. Feb 23 lenz                       Re: Registrars with free DynDNS services of my own domains.
  7. Feb 23 Marcin M. Jessa            Re: Registrars with free DynDNS services of my own domains.
  8. Feb 23 lenz                       Re: Registrars with free DynDNS services of my own domains.
  9. Feb 24 Marcin M. Jessa            Re: Registrars with free DynDNS services of my own domains.
 10. Feb 24 Marcin M. Jessa            Re: Registrars with free DynDNS services of my own domains.
 11. Feb 24 Michael DeMan (OA)         FBSD 8.0 + Quagga + AMD64 => not reliable?
 12. Feb 24 lenz                       Re: Registrars with free DynDNS services of my own domains.
 13. Feb 24 Chuck Swiger               Re: Registrars with free DynDNS services of my own domains.
 14. Feb 24 eculp                      Re: Registrars with free DynDNS services of my own domains.
 15. Feb 24 Marcin M. Jessa            Re: Registrars with free DynDNS services of my own domains.
 16. Feb 24 Marcin M. Jessa            Re: Registrars with free DynDNS services of my own domains.
 17. Feb 24 Jon Radel                  Re: Registrars with free DynDNS services of my own domains.
 18. Feb 25 Steve Bertrand             Re: Registrars with free DynDNS services of my own domains.
 19. Feb 25 Steve Bertrand             Re: Registrars with free DynDNS services of my own domains.

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