Messages: 14, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:16:00 2023
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1. May 23 FreeBSD bugmaster Current problem reports assigned to gecko@FreeBSD.org 2. May 25 Neko Chang Firefox 4 with PGO compile error 3. May 25 Daniel Nebdal Re: Firefox 4 with PGO compile error 4. May 25 Mikhail T. sqlite3 and other already-installed components 5. May 26 Neko Chang Re: Firefox 4 with PGO compile error 6. May 26 Mikhail T. building lightning as part of thunderbird 7. May 26 Anton Shterenlikht firefox4 build failure on ia64 8. May 26 Daniel Nebdal Re: Firefox 4 with PGO compile error 9. May 26 Neko Chang Re: Firefox 4 with PGO compile error 10. May 27 svn-freebsd-gecko@chrueter [SVN-Commit] r550 - in branches/experimental/www/seamonkey: . files 11. May 27 Anton Shterenlikht [patch] www/firefox4 on ia64 12. May 27 Beat Gaetzi Removal of all ports depending on SeaMonkey 1.1 13. May 27 Marcin Cieslak Re: Removal of all ports depending on SeaMonkey 1.1 14. May 28 Yuri Special symbols size issue with Firefox-4.0.1
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