Messages: 6, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:17:15 2023
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1. Feb 21 brucec@FreeBSD.org Re: i386/85652: [loader] [patch] deal with out-of-memory errors during booting 2. Feb 21 FreeBSD bugmaster Current problem reports assigned to freebsd-i386@FreeBSD.org 3. Feb 24 chandra reddy Why FreeBSD fetch does not download a file via a proxy for HTTPS URLS (the same works fine for HTTP urls) 4. Feb 25 chandra reddy Re: Why FreeBSD fetch does not download a file via a proxy for HTTPS URLS (the same works fine for HTTP urls) 5. Feb 26 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98 6. Feb 26 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
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