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Messages: 24, new messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:14:28 2023

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  1. May 19 Warner Losh                Re: Does -CURRENT support *Plug "computers?
  2. May 19 Lev Serebryakov            Does -CURRENT support *Plug "computers?
  3. May 18 Kristof Provost            Re: arm/154189: lang/perl5.12 doesn't build on arm
  4. May 18 Svatopluk Kraus            Re: ARM + CACHE_LINE_SIZE + DMA
  5. May 18 Mark Linimon               Re: arm/154189: lang/perl5.12 doesn't build on arm
  6. May 18 Michael Moll               Re: arm/154189: lang/perl5.12 doesn't build on arm
  7. May 18        Re: arm/154189: lang/perl5.12 doesn't build on arm
  8. May 17 Ian Lepore                 Re: ARM + CACHE_LINE_SIZE + DMA
  9. May 17 Grzegorz Bernacki          Re: NAND Framework in HEAD.
 10. May 17 Rafal Jaworowski           Re: NAND Framework in HEAD.
 11. May 17 Rafael Aquino              Re: NAND Framework in HEAD.
 12. May 17 Rafal Jaworowski           Re: NAND Framework in HEAD.
 13. May 17 Aleksandr Rybalko          Re: NAND Framework in HEAD.
 14. May 17 Grzegorz Bernacki          NAND Framework in HEAD.
 15. May 16 Tim Kientzle               Re: How does loader(8) decide where to load the kernel?
 16. May 15 Rafal Jaworowski           Re: How does loader(8) decide where to load the kernel?
 17. May 15 mlfbsd                     Re: RFC: hwpmc soft arm
 18. May 15 Fabien Thomas              RFC: hwpmc soft arm
 19. May 15 FreeBSD Tinderbox          [head tinderbox] failure on arm/arm
 20. May 14 Ian Lepore                 Re: 13x longer execution times before remount

21. May 14 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Fredrik_Sik 13x longer execution times before remount 22. May 14 FreeBSD bugmaster Current problem reports assigned to 23. May 14 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on arm/arm 24. May 13 Tim Kientzle Re: How does loader(8) decide where to load the kernel?

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