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Messages: 31, new messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:17:55 2023

home | archive sorted by: subject | author | date | reverse date
  1. May 11 Oliver Pinter              Re: syscall to userland interface
  2. May 11 Alfred Perlstein           Re: syscall to userland interface
  3. May 11 Karl Dreger                Re: syscall to userland interface
  4. May 11 Karl Dreger                Re: syscall to userland interface
  5. May 10 Vijay Singh                anyone running the ofed code
  6. May 10 Alexander Leidinger        Re: priv_check/make_dev/devfs.rules: What is preventing a device to show up in a jail?
  7. May 10 Karl Dreger                syscall to userland interface
  8. May 10 Uffe Jakobsen              Re: priv_check/make_dev/devfs.rules: What is preventing a device to show up in a jail?
  9. May 10 Alexander Leidinger        Re: priv_check/make_dev/devfs.rules: What is preventing a device to show up in a jail?
 10. May  9 Joshua Isom                Re: priv_check/make_dev/devfs.rules: What is preventing a device to show up in a jail?
 11. May  9 Alexander Leidinger        priv_check/make_dev/devfs.rules: What is preventing a device to show up in a jail?
 12. May  9 Damjan Jovanovic           Re: openjdk6 broken on current
 13. May  8 Larry Rosenman             Re: openjdk6 broken on current
 14. May  8 Larry Rosenman             Re: openjdk6 broken on current
 15. May  8 Larry Rosenman             Re: openjdk6 broken on current
 16. May  8 Daniel Eischen             Re: openjdk6 broken on current
 17. May  8 Daniel Eischen             Re: openjdk6 broken on current
 18. May  8 Larry Rosenman             Re: openjdk6 broken on current
 19. May  8 Jeremy Messenger           Re: openjdk6 broken on current
 20. May  8 Florent Peterschmitt       Re: openjdk6 broken on current

21. May 8 Larry Rosenman Re: openjdk6 broken on current 22. May 7 Wojciech A. Koszek Re: config(8) -x headscratcher 23. May 7 Teske, Devin [UPDATE] sysutils/bsdconfig snapshot 24. May 7 Takuya ASADA Chromium causes freeze on CURRENT 25. May 7 Alexander Yerenkow Re: openjdk6 broken on current 26. May 7 Eric van Gyzen Re: config(8) -x headscratcher 27. May 7 Kimmo Paasiala Re: config(8) -x headscratcher 28. May 6 Matthias Apitz Re: GTK+3.0 application does not show some existing icons 29. May 6 Konstantin Belousov Re: [patch] export CPU physical and virtual address sizes in sysctl oids using do_cpuid 30. May 5 Sofian Brabez [patch] export CPU physical and virtual address sizes in sysctl oids using do_cpuid 31. May 5 Koop Mast Re: GTK+3.0 application does not show some existing icons

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