Messages: 21, new messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:20:59 2023
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1. May 7 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 209359] lang/ruby22: Fix pkg-plist error when CAPIDOCS is enabled 2. May 7 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o maintainer-feedback requested: [Bug 209359] lang/ruby22: Fix pkg-plist error when CAPIDOCS is enabled 3. May 7 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 208854] lang/ruby23: Fix pkg-plist error when CAPIDOCS is enabled 4. May 7 portscout@FreeBSD.org FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 5. May 6 pkg-fallout@FreeBSD.org [package - 93i386-default][devel/rubygem-gobject-introspection] Failed for rubygem-gobject-introspection-3.0.8 in stage 6. May 6 portscout@FreeBSD.org FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 7. May 5 regis.etourmy@free.fr Re: ruby22 buillds with gcc38 on powerpc64 8. May 5 regis.etourmy@free.fr ruby22 buillds with gcc38 on powerpc64 9. May 5 pkg-fallout@FreeBSD.org [package - 93amd64-default][devel/rubygem-gobject-introspection] Failed for rubygem-gobject-introspection-3.0.8 in stage 10. May 5 portscout@FreeBSD.org FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 11. May 4 portscout@FreeBSD.org FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 12. May 3 portscout@FreeBSD.org FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 13. May 3 Steve Wills Re: Ruby on PowerPC64 14. May 3 pkg-fallout@FreeBSD.org [package - 93amd64-default][devel/rubygem-gobject-introspection] Failed for rubygem-gobject-introspection-3.0.8 in stage 15. May 3 pkg-fallout@FreeBSD.org [package - 93i386-default][devel/rubygem-gobject-introspection] Failed for rubygem-gobject-introspection-3.0.8 in stage 16. May 3 Matthew Marshall Ruby on PowerPC64 17. May 2 portscout@FreeBSD.org FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 18. May 1 bugzilla-noreply@FreeBSD.o Problem reports for ruby@FreeBSD.org that need special attention 19. May 1 pkg-fallout@FreeBSD.org [package - 93amd64-default][devel/rubygem-gobject-introspection] Failed for rubygem-gobject-introspection-3.0.8 in stage 20. May 1 portscout@FreeBSD.org FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
21. May 1 pkg-fallout@FreeBSD.org [package - 93i386-default][devel/rubygem-gobject-introspection] Failed for rubygem-gobject-introspection-3.0.8 in stage
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