Messages: 6, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:17:21 2023
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1. Feb 21 Large Hadron Collider In which a touchscreen is rehabilitated, or: How I learned to stop being scared and just hack at /usr/src/sys/dev 2. Feb 21 Large Hadron Collider ... re: previous message, hopefully that wasn't off-topic. 3. Feb 22 Arto Pekkanen Re: In which a touchscreen is rehabilitated, or: How I learned to stop being scared and just hack at /usr/src/sys/dev 4. Feb 23 Large Hadron Collider (accidentally unicasted) Re: In which a touchscreen is rehabilitated, or: How I learned to stop being scared and just hack at /usr/src/sys/de 5. Feb 23 Arto Pekkanen Re: (accidentally unicasted) Re: In which a touchscreen is rehabilitated, or: How I learned to stop being scared and just hack at /usr/src/sys 6. Feb 23 Arto Pekkanen Re: Intel WiFi AC 7620
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