Messages: 8, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:24:14 2023
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1. Jan 1 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 215690] sys/vfs/lookup_cap_dotdot:{capmode__negative, lookup_cap_*} fails with SIGABRT 2. Jan 1 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 215690] sys/vfs/lookup_cap_dotdot:{capmode__negative, lookup_cap_*} fails with SIGABRT 3. Jan 1 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 215690] kyua framework attempts to open/write test files after running tests; doesn't work when tests enter capability mode 4. Jan 1 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 215690] kyua framework attempts to open/write test files after running tests; doesn't work when tests enter capability mode 5. Jan 2 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 215715] cond_test:cond_timedwait_race crashes with SIGSEGV periodically 6. Jan 2 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 215715] cond_test:cond_timedwait_race crashes with SIGSEGV periodically 7. Jan 2 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 215715] cond_test:cond_timedwait_race crashes with SIGSEGV periodically 8. Jan 2 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 215715] cond_test:cond_timedwait_race crashes with SIGSEGV periodically when calling binuptime
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