Messages: 6, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:24:39 2023
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1. Jul 1 Bryan Drewery Re: head -r335799 -> -r335812: "Not bootstrapping a cross-compiler" vs. "libclang will be built for bootstrapping a cross-linker": both being 2. Jul 1 Mark Millard Re: head -r335799 -> -r335812: "Not bootstrapping a cross-compiler" vs. "libclang will be built for bootstrapping a cross-linker": both being 3. Jul 2 Eitan Adler make delete-old safety checks 4. Jul 5 Li-Wen Hsu Do we need FreeBSD's minor version in gcc and binutils paths? 5. Jul 5 John Baldwin Re: Do we need FreeBSD's minor version in gcc and binutils paths? 6. Jul 7 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 223333] science/simlib: crashes nm(1) during build
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