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Messages: 22, new messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:25:52 2023

home | archive sorted by: subject | author | date | reverse date
  1. May 26 Sudhanshu Saurav           Regarding Bhyve emulation Instructions
  2. May 25 Darius Mihai               Re: bhyve client: who is hosting me?
  3. May 25 Marcelo Araujo             Re: bhyve client: who is hosting me?
  4. May 25 Daniel Braniss             Re: bhyve client: who is hosting me?
  5. May 25 Darius Mihai               Re: bhyve client: who is hosting me?
  6. May 25 Daniel Braniss             bhyve client: who is hosting me?
  7. May 23 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 228335] [patch] virtio indirect descriptors should use contiguous memory
  8. May 23 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 187006] [hyper-v] dynamic address (dhcp) obtaining doesn't work on HYPER-V OS 2012 R2
  9. May 23 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 228335] [patch] virtio indirect descriptors should use contiguous memory
 10. May 22 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 225791] ena driver causing kernel panics on AWS EC2
 11. May 22 Mario Lobo                 Re: bhyve: passthrough of PCIe device without MSI possible?
 12. May 22 Neel Natu                  Re: bhyve: passthrough of PCIe device without MSI possible?
 13. May 22 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 228335] [patch] virtio indirect descriptors should use contiguous memory
 14. May 20 bugzilla-noreply@FreeBSD.o Problem reports for that need special attention
 15. May 20 Mario Lobo                 Re: bhyve: passthrough of PCIe device without MSI possible?
 16. May 20 Rajil Saraswat             Re: Ubuntu 18.04 and bhyve
 17. May 20 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 225558] [bhyve][patch] Add option to specify emulated NIC in
 18. May 20 Felix Kronlage             Re: Ubuntu 18.04 and bhyve
 19. May 20 Ruben                      Re: Ubuntu 18.04 and bhyve
 20. May 20 Rebecca Cran               Re: Ubuntu 18.04 and bhyve

21. May 20 Peter Grehan Re: Ubuntu 18.04 and bhyve 22. May 20 Rajil Saraswat Ubuntu 18.04 and bhyve

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